Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
by Guest- 10 replies
Our topic in nursery until December is fairytales. We have decided to concentrate on Sleeping Beauty and have ideas for role play, small world, construction and creative, but my ideas have now run out!! Has anyone done a topic on fairytales before? Any ideas would be really helpful!! Thank you, Scalliesal
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782, -
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi all, this is the first tiem I have used this forum and am still trying to work out how to use it!! So sorry if this topic has already been discussed but not really sure how to find previous ones! I will get the hang of it soon! I am planning a topic on 'space' this term and am after some new ideas for this! Have done all the usual things like using 'whatever next' making rockets, papier mache planets etc but am just after some other ideas and seeing what sort of things you all do! All ideas welcome or even a point in the right direction for where it is on here!!!
- 10 replies
Hi We have starting developing a creative curriculum and are using a published scheme- Dimensions. This seems to be working well further up the school, but I am struggling even though it is supposed to be based on the way the foundation stage have traditionally planned.My reception class is quite a difficult one this year, compared to last years who were a dream! In order to make any progress we are having to be a bit more structured so we can gradually give the children more control, behaviour can be an issue and some children don't do anything without lots of encouragement. Our 'theme' is come and join the celebrations. This fits in well from the end of November with…
by Guest- 21 replies
Hi everybody, we are doing a lovely topic about dinosaurs and wondered if anyone has any good ideas of things they have done if they have done a dinosaur topic! Thanks Lib
Light And Dark
by Guest- 2 replies
Hello! I am currently trying to plan for my mixed Yr1/Reception class about light and Dark. Does anyone have any ideas as i seem to have run out of steam fairly early on...HELP!!! Thanks
Garden Stories
by Guest- 9 replies
Anyone know of any books suitable for year ones where the story is centred around a garden? I'm hoping to do this as a topic next term. I know there's one about a giant who owned a garden he wouldn't let anyone into, but I can't remember the title or whether it's age appropriate (I seem to remember the giant dying at the end, which is a sensitive issue in my class). Are there any other nice short stories that take place in gardens or where the garden is central to the story? I'm looking for a few different titles rather than one main one to focus on (we're already had a focus on Oliver's Vegetables so we're leading on from that).
by Guest- 7 replies
On our investigation table we have been exploring the senses and after half term we are doing taste. Apart from tasting different foods and describing and sorting foods by how they taste does anyone have any other ideas for 4-5 year olds. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 4 replies
We want to have a cave role play area next term, outside but under a shelter. I wondered if anyone had made a really successful, sturdy, well-loved cave and how you went about doing it. At the moment I'm thinking about chicken wire and mod-roc - but thought you might have some simpler ideas? Thank you!
- 16 replies
Hi all I have been given a big bag of fir cones with the promise of lots more to follow!!! They are HUGE - approx 7 inches long and approx. 2.5 inches 'round' - woohoo! I can only think of making 'hedgehogs'........ I know you will all come up with fantastic ideas........Sorry I mean PLEASE can you come up with some fantastic ideas! Sunnyday
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
Display Fabrics
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi in my last school we had some 1metre by 3 metre pieces of fabric on a variety of themes which we used in a number of ways. Namely 3D shapes, numbers, letters, space & planets, buildings, ladybirds etc. Just to save me wading through catalogues I wondered if anyone knew which one ??? There is also a company which does mail order anyone know the details?? Many Thanks..................