Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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- Growing Topic Resource
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- Weather Assembly
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- Bonfire Night Songs
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- Winter: Snow And Ice Topic
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898 topics in this forum
- 13 replies
Hi all Does anyone have any great songs or rhymes that 'mention' saying please and/or thank you! We are really struggling with 'our' manners this term - far too much I need......I want......etc. etc. My staff and I are skilled at modelling manners.........and always ask children 'to ask nicely' and to thank staff and other children as appropriate.......... We always, always notice a 'downturn' in manners following a holiday - but have usually managed to 'lick them into shape' by now!
- 9 replies
Hi all - I'm confused (doesn't take much! ) At the beginning of term we were given a fantastic set of 'wild' animals - the children became very interested in them very quickly - so in best EYFS style we have built on this interest! We have read stories, cut out animal pictures, frozen wild animals in ice for the water tray, unearthed our wildlife stencils, built zoo enclosures with our blocks and we have made a 3D Jungle scene - this is especially cool! So now I have told you how 'wonderful' we are! My question is..........I downloaded a 'Jungle Word Mat' from sparklebox yesterday and there is (amongst other things) a panda on it surely pandas don't…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
Funny Cooking Songs
by Guest- 11 replies
Does anyone know any songs suitable to sing while cooking. the funnier the better!! Made up ones will do. Would love one about mud pies!! thanks sunshine
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782, -
Yorkshire Sculpture Park
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi!! I need help!!! We are going on a whole school trip to the sculpture park on Wednesday, next week; and I have no idea what to do with 20 reception aged children for a whole day. I was thinking sketching scultpures but that's not going to take much time. Help help!!! any ideas would be great!
History Co Ordinator
by Guest- 5 replies
hi everyone i haverecently been appointed the humanities co ordinator and i am looking to buy resources for each year group. The year 2 teacher has asked for a dvd whichhas florencenightengale and the fire of london on and also a nurses outfit like florence nightengale. i have looked evrywhere and cant find anything can anyone help plz? kate x
Super Heroes
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi all - After setting in all the new nursery children over the last few weeks (52) it is evident that a large group of boys are into super heroes. I need more ideas to develop this - Have sorted the role-play area with outfits, pictures of superheros, superheroes words. Help please! Just come back tot the forum and I have really missed it!
Oliver's Vegetables
by Guest- 17 replies
hello, I am planning to do Oliver's Vegetables in the Summer term, and was wondering if anyone else has done this as a topic before and if so are willing to share their ideas of what they did for this? I have all the basic ideas of printing, grocer shop in the role play corner, sorting vegetables, observational drawings. Was looking for any inspiring ideas or any poems, rhymes, sand and water ideas, craft activities. Any help would be much appreciated. Best Wishes
Chinese New Year
by Guest- 11 replies
Ok i need a little help here i have found out it starts on the 7th feb but how long dose it go on for?
Interview Help Needed!
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi all, I know there is loads to do with nursery rhymes out there, but thats the problem, how do I choose something to show me off in 20 mins! The school have said they are not so much looking for "what the children have learnt" but to "how you approach the task", meaning I should go in there all guns blazing right? Any fantastic, knock your socks off 20 min R/YR1 Lit tasks or ideas would be great! This HAS to be my last interview, I cant take it anymore!!!
- 16 replies
Am in middle of all my home visits and this year we are collecting e mail asddresses from parents so I can e mail letters and reminders to them. Thinking of giving them my school e mail address for them to email queries and messages to me. Good idea or very BAD idea?!!!! Does anyone already do this? Any tips and advice? Don't want to set up something that will end up a nightmare. Keen to e mail letters though as some parents still amazingly say they don't get them even though i have personally handed them to them!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466,