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898 topics in this forum
Song About A Worm
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi all Just joined the Forum and some wonderful ideas, topics and support offered. Can anyone help me please? Years ago when my son was in Year 1 he learn't a song about a worm and a line in it was - "When you tickled the middle, one end wriggled and one end giggled". I would love to teach it to the children in my pre-school but I can't remember it. Does anyone know of it? Many thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782, -
- 11 replies
Just wondered what sort of things u will all be up to in September? (topics etc) Just after some inspiration to get me going xx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 3 replies
hi i know we have only just finished but want to get sorted foe september - the topic we start with is all about me , my family, my house -where i live - any new ideas about this would be great - will have lots of new ones as well as older children to work with thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Robots/machines Focus
by Guest- 2 replies
As I have a lot of boys in my group and some girls who are into ICT I thought I'd focus on Robots or machines. My primary inspiration was from a Letters and Sounds game where we were breaking down words and it worked better in a silly robotic voice. I thought this focus would be fun and being a geek, I'd get lots of ideas. So far I have: Robotic talk Covering dolls (or people) in foil to make them robots Opening the PC case and seeing what is inside Remote controlled cars Using 'remotes' to control each other's movements Finding PC programmes which enable us to change the sounds of our voices through a mic Some kind of simple Logo game on PC and now I'm stuc…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782, -
- 0 replies
we always look at ourselves the first term back including the senses, but this year i have noticed how many children do not know their nursery rhymes. i thought in september i would do as adult led activities nursery ryhmes linked with sense eg dr foster and jack and jill water 3 blind mice feely activity queen of hearts make different jam tarts wondering if anyone had any other ideas thanks
Fed Up With Same Old Books
by Guest- 12 replies
Hi, as usual for the Autumn Term we doing the topic 'Myself' and I want to use new books, I fed up of Owl Babies, Titch and Peepo, I know they are good books but they so old and I'm a little bored of them now . Has anyone come across any new ones that fit in with the topic that i can check out please...
Books On A Garden Theme.
by Guest- 8 replies
This is the first time I have started a thread so I assume I just type in here! When we go back to school after the hols the whole school is following a similar topic. We did this last year and did Pirates, which worked well. This year however the topic is 'The Secret Garden' for KS2 and the idea is that Foundation and KS1 focus on a book based around this kind of a theme. Does anyone have any good book suggestions based around a secret/magical/fantasy type garden? I'm struggling to come up with anything and when I look on search engines I just get lots of books about growing, planting, flowers etc. I teach in Nursery. I think Y1 & Y2 are doing The Selfish…
Outdoor Rainy Day Activities
by Guest- 5 replies
hello I am having a mild - no major panic. I have no hall this week - long story building work means we have no toilet, so we have decided to visit our local woodland, park. That's fine I've already done it for a week early on in the build - so that's OK But looking at the weather forecast it is going to rain -a lot. So far - building shelter (sent hubby to B & Q for tarpaulins) Catching rain Rain songs Floating boats in the stream, more like a puddle. Decorate shelter rain art oh - umbrella's to make rain noises - great from Ikea. Any other ideas Thanks
Doras Eggs
by Guest- 1 reply
hello apart from normal activities does anyone have any different ideas of activities to support the book doras eggs/chicks please. thank you in advance killowengirl
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Any one have any great idea's?
Last reply by SueFinanceManager,