Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
Tap Sticks Idea
by Guest- 9 replies
Just wanted to share with you something that I tried out today at story time (a story that wasn't from a book but that we acted out instead). Gave all the kids 2 tap sticks each, then I told them a story about "Bob the fisherman" - I saw this story being told on a CBeebies show and adapted it a bit to fit in vaguely with the "Slip, Slap, Slop" stuff that we do in the summer to remind kids to stay safe in the sun. Bob wanted to go out to sea in his little rowing boat to catch a really big fish for his supper. So, we all climbed into our boats and grabbed our oars (sticks) and rowed and rowed and rowed out into the middle of the sea. Bob then thought that he had bet…
Story Suggestions
by Guest- 0 replies
I have a little boy who is fascinated in traps - making traps, trapping baddies, rescuing from traps - anybody have any ideas for stories to extend his ideas? many thanks
Under The Sea
by Guest- 9 replies
OK, we are currently doing a topic on 'under the sea' and the children are really enjoying it and bringing in lots of books, toys etc. Today a child asked me: "Does an octopus have a bottom" , I said I would expect so. She replied "well were is it, because it puts it food up there" (gesturing up her skirt i.e. like the octopus puts it's food under its body and into its beak) (does that make sense!!) SO you good folks, where does an octopus have its bum and where does the poo come out of! (I know that will be the next question) I've had a quick look on google and one person says they poo out of their mouths is that right?
6 Week Holiday Club Program
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi all I'm looking for a 6 week holiday club program of ideas? i'm looking for themes or set topics. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks Noodles
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7393, -
Child Safety Week
by Guest- 3 replies
I am organising some activities around safety and people who help us at our childminding playgroup and was wondering if anyone had ideas for songs and rhymes to support - age range 10mths -4yrs Many thanks
by Guest- 6 replies
Hey everyone, I wondered if you could help. I am trying to do a long term plan which includes significant dates etc for 2009-2010 for example, Eid, Mothers day, pancake day ash wednesday etc. However I cannot find anything on the internet easily. Has anybody got anything similar in their long term plan which might help?
Healthy Eating Week
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi, I work in a nursery and we are having a healthy eating week and was just wondering if anyone had any ideas for activities, songs, etc. Any ideas would be most welcome. Thanks Tracey x
Under The Sea - South Pacific On Bbc
by Guest- 0 replies
Not sure if I am putting this in the right place, but having watched previous episodes of South Pacific on BBC 2 (and currently watching tonight's episode), have spotted some great sequences which might be useful for use as a starting point for 'Under the Sea' topics. Have previously used the info disk on Finding Nemo and David Attenborough DVD but thought that this might be a nice new one to use. Not sure if they are bringing it out on DVD but it can be found on Lxx
- 1 reply
Just wondered how other settings are covering this celebration - just a card, or craft and a card or inviting them into the pre-school?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
- 2 replies
Has anyone ever done this topic with Reception?! If so any fab ideas? I have a little girl who is obsessed and would love to cover it but am struggling to bring in down to their level (we've just had an African arts week) currently i'm thinking of a role play pyramid with lots of bandages. Different size pyramids and link to 3d shapes... any advances? Thanks in advance Qx