Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
3 Little Pigs
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi everyone! I'm doing the topic of the three little pigs next week! I was wondering wether any1 had any previous planning/ideas on the topic! thanks!
Little Red Hen
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi - next week we are going to have a focus on the little red hen - want to use the actions that go with the story as Pie Corbett does in the DVD about reading. Have loads of CLLD and K&U ideas but am stuck on PRSN - really we need to keep moving on number and calculating skills as we seem to be on a roll now! Any ideas I am really struggling? Ta ems
- 4 replies
Hi all Next week I am planning to indulge my class and do a mini topic on Dora the Explorer, I have a few ideas but am in need of some more. So far I have thought of.... Making our own back packs. Map reading around the school A treasure hunt Making our own maps. Making sandwiches for our adventure - going on an adventure and having a picnic. Any more?
Jungle Theme
by Guest- 0 replies
Does anyone have any good ideas for creating a jungle theme in the outdoor area?
Town Mouse And Country Mouse
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi can anyone help, we are doing Town Mouse and Country Mouse next week, and I need to organise some activities for outdoor play. I have drawn a blank, all my ideas are a bit dull, has anyone got any ideas? This is for Foundation Stage and we have a great outdoor area.
Willy Wonka Topic
by Guest- 8 replies
I am starting a topic based on willy wonka and the chocolate factory. Does anyone have any ideas for literacy or numeracy activities for FS2 children linked to sweets/chocolate etc???? Thanks Kerry x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_10713, -
- 14 replies
Hi all I am just preparing for our latest Parent/child workshop and wanted to do somthing around the theme of 'Potions and lotions'- where children and parents could make something of this ilk together. I was inspired by the programme the other night of the guy who uses plants for home remedies, partuculaly the bath bombs. I am looking for inspiration as to a few activities that the children can have a go at that is a) not too expensive to produce doesnt require any heating up of ingredients c) fun fun fun! I also thought about doing little pot porri bags using dried flowers and binca- something simple for the children to have a good at sewing themselves? What do you…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 4 replies
Hi all! im introducing time to my reception children next week. i'm feeling a little lost as to how i would introduce it. Keep thinking my lesson is going to be a total flop! i was thinking about getting the children to sequence the school routine, and then for the more able introduce o clock. has any one else got any good practical having a mind blank!! thanks!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
- 10 replies
I hope I've put this in the right place Hi everyone... I have a job interview on Monday in a school. As part of the interview process I need to read a story to a small group of Year 1 children. I'm fine with the storytelling but would like you lovely people to suggest some good books about 'CATS'. (That's the theme in year 1 at the moment) All I can think of is 'Puss in Boots', my mind is blank. It could be because I'm preparing for three interviews and trying to write my literature review before Wednesday. Please, please could you suggest some books...I want to make the session as multi-sensory as possible. Thanks
Hansel And Gretel
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi our children are intrests at the moment are hansel and gretel and I would like to ask if anyone has any ideas we could use I have made cakes today and story sequencing, we have done a forest outside and talked about safety. I would like to make some puppets but cant find any decent pictures. I apprecite any help thank you killowengirl
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453,