Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
Pirates And Easter
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi guys! I need ideas! One week we're doing a pirate theme in a holiday club here, I need a couple of craft activities for it and a cooking activity, and the next week am doing easter extrangavanca ( can't spell! ) need a couple of craft ideas for that and a cooking activity.... thanks soooooo much!!!
Peppa Pig
by Guest- 2 replies
hi All we are doing a topic on buildings. i though i would use Peppa pig as they love it and i used it for pancake day- you know the episode where it gets stuck to the ceiling, listen to me i watch this far too much. Anyway thought we would have a look at Castles and use the 'Windy Castle' episode. Just wondering if anyone has done anything great with casltes theme or Peppa Pig! thanks everyone, enjoy your weekend x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 3 replies
hi we want to buy the children some listening centres so they can listen to stories alone or as part of small group. these need to be realistically priced though -can anyone help and give me some idea of where to start looking and an idea of price
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19920, -
Cookery Book Idea As Fundraiser
by Guest- 9 replies
In order to address a real financial need I have come up with the idea of producing a Children's Cookery Book' and inviting parents, members of community, local MP, Vicar, dignitories, Head Teachers, Reception Teachers etc to submit a favourite recipe for our book. It might help raise much needed funds and has the potential to appeal to a wider audience than our normal in-house fundraisers. I might include a section on healthy eating so as to meet the wider political agenda around child obesity! Oh, of course, and one on multicultural recipes, although we do serve a primarily white, english community..... My question to you is, what recipe would you send in and …
Topic Sites
by Guest- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Does anyone have any suggestions of websites which give ideas for topics?
Last reply by Helen, -
Homelink Activities
by Guest- 5 replies
I already have a few ideas for homelink activities around the topic of water: Making a book about bathtime Making a junk model boat Capacity in the bath Does anyone have any other practical ideas?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_9650, -
Kings And Queens
by Guest- 3 replies
I'm new to nursery - covering a long term absence. The chosen topic is kings and queens. Any ideas very gratefully appreciated. Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_20414, -
- 6 replies
National Family Week This is a new initiative being launched this year for 25th to 31st May. Is anyone going to get involved? Preschool Family picnic might be nice
- 9 replies
Hi everyone, our children have decided that they would like their role play area to have a space theme next. So we are all set to have a rocket on the moon etc. I was wondering if anyone knew of any stories based around this theme, we have got 'Whatever next' which we read today and the children loved it! But I do not know of any other stories. Also we have got a class assembly soon, and was hoping to show all our space work, but to also do a little role play or acting out of a story. So if anyone knows of a suitable story that we could easily act out, I would be very grateful! Thanks for any ideas x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_9844, -
Concentration Activities
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi, Does anyone have any ideas for developing concentration with small groups of children? I already have Kim's game, hiding objects under buckets for children to track when moved, who is missing? and passing balloon around circle without throwing or dropping it. I am looking for some new ideas.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_75,