Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
Does anyone have any ideas for developing imagination with the topic of water? I already have the frozen teddy and the frozen key but have come to a stand still.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2846, -
Nursery Rhymes And Water
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi, Can anyone suggest any nursery rhymes to go with our 'water' topic? I already have Polly put the kettle on, Rain, rain, go away and the owl and the pussycat. Thanks in advance.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6021, -
Water Topic
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi, Does anyone have any exciting ideas for this topic? I'm looking for some inspiration.
Role Play Builders Yard
by Guest- 10 replies
Hello all, we are going to look at stories after 1/2 term ad we are starting with 3 little pigs and so thought a builders year would be good. I have never had this theme before and am a little unsure what to do. I have all the labels from sparklebox and will put our big plastic blocks in to start with? if any of you have any ideas to share e.g. how to incorporate writing, maths, etc thanks every one hope you are looking forward to Monday!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
The Gingerbread Man Theme
by Guest- 10 replies
Hello everyone. Does anyone have some fabulous ideas for the theme of the Gingerbread man??? Im making ginger brown playdough, acting out the story and making gingerbread men. Just need some more... It's only for one week xxx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12524, -
Armed Forces Topic
by Guest- 19 replies
Has anyone ever done a topic based on the Armed Forces ? I have a lot of boys interested in Army, who have been making guns !! and I am considering looking at this in more detail to look at the different Armed Forces. It is only an idea and could lead into Super Heroes etc as when they have made guns they have been encouraged to use their imagination, e.g firing bubbles to turn everyone pink etc !! I know that there are those teachers that would not consider this type of topic and I can see the arguments for and against. It could lead to imaginative roleplay, especially by the boys and a great deal of roleplay writing. Some ideas I have linked to this:- - Col…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
Ideasfor Rainbow Role Play
by Guest- 10 replies
Evening all At the nursery i work at we have been following the theme of colours and people who help us and may wera that particular colour uniform. After the holiday we are looking at all the colours and will be making rainbows. Can anyone help me by suggesting an idea for a good role play area.
- 4 replies
Hi All I am very excited because after half term we are going on a trip to the farm to collect some duck eggs!!! I am already thinking about what activites we can do and books we can use and would like to pick your brains for ideas. Can only think of Duck in a truck, Farmer Duck, Fix it Duck, The Ugly Duckling books. Would like to do something on Daffy Duck if I can work it into the topic. Any ideas what I can do for activites? Eventually this topic will lead on to other types of eggs - dinosaurs as the children want to do this. I wait in hope! Thanks
by Guest- 1 reply
Does anybody have a little poem or verse I could use to put into each child's card that they have made along with their mark making scribbles!!! It would need to be a fairly broad one so that the card could be used for either mum/dad/grandma/grandpa/brother/sister etc etc!! I would be so grateful!!! Jellytots
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
Display Title
by Guest- 7 replies
I'm not really sure where to put this post but I've finally settled on this forum! Today the children (2yr's old) have done some beautiful mark making, on a large roll of paper on the floor, they've used different pens, pencils, crayons and it looks really striking. I've decided I'm going to put it up on a display board as the backing paper and then stick on some photo's I took whislt they were doing the activity and write some captions about what they learnt as they did this process. (Hope that makes sense) I can't think of a catchy title though, I was just going to put "our mark making" or similar but it's a bit....blah! The display is going in the corrido…