Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
- 3 replies
Has anyone got any ideas for a Lets Explore Topic please smiles
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11362, -
- 7 replies
Hi can anyone help .Iam looking for inspiration for anything on materials . I need 6 weeks and the 40 year old brain has gone to mush!!!!!! Any ideas would be gratefully recieved.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4121, -
Ideas For Personal Files.
by Guest- 8 replies
Does anyone have any good ideas about what to include in childs personal file. As a new teacher who needs to put one together I would love some advice. I want to make it as child centered as possible. I have included thing like observations and home details already , but need a few extras to make it more child friendly.
Creative Transport
by Guest- 7 replies
Our topic is transort - in literacy we are writing a non fiction book as a class about types of transport. For KUOW we are sending vehicles down a ramp and see how far they travel with different amount of weight in. Our PSHE focus is road safety and in numeracy we are conducting a traffic survey. I am now stuck trying to think of a creative focus so far we have role played grages, done observational drawings of car parts, done printing with tyres etc.. i have run out of ideas of what to do next weeek in creatie Please help!! Lola
- 7 replies
Hi everyone, I hope someone can help me. Our theme for next half term is Bears, looking at Goldlilocks and The Three Bears for 2 wks. I want the ch. to create their own teddies, but i am having diffiucluty finding a needle which is safe enough and easier enough to pierce felt. I have tried tapestry needles, but a fair bit of pressure is requried for an adult so i am thinking too difficult for children. I am now considering chaning my material. Any suggestions would be very grateful!! Thanks in advance lydzzy
The Outdoors
by Guest- 5 replies
I am currently setting up our garden area so children can explre independently. I'm really looking for inspiration. We already have a climbing frame, painting easels, sand pit, rabbit, bike area, secret den. . . Does anyone have anything exciting in their outdoor area which they would like to share?
by Guest- 3 replies
We have a Homelink book that goes out with the children evry week and contains practical experiences for them to do with their parents e.g. sorting the washing, cooking activities, playing with bottles in the bath, nature hunts, making masks, making books, making junk models, etc. This half term's topic is the farm and I try to match experiences to that but can't think of many good ideas. I don't want to bore parents with the same old things. Does anyone have any exciting inspiration?
Self Esteem
by Guest- 2 replies
We always try to do activities to develop children's self esteem, such as spinning the bottle and children saying nice things about the child it points to, drawing around a child and writing nice things about that child, star of the day . . . Does anyone have any other ideas?
Listening Skills
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi, I am doing lots of activities to develop listening skills but am running out of them. I already have closing eyes and pointing to keys as they move, counting objects thrown into a tin, Chinese whispers and touching nose every time they hear the word wolf in a story. Does anyone have any othe ideas?
Help! Ideas Needed!
by Guest sandcastles- 6 replies
I'm hoping other people's inspiration can get me through planning for Father's Day!!! I am at a complete loss as to what cards to make by my 3-5 year olds. We've done the shirt and tie idea and had a football theme but would like to do something completely different. Why is it so difficult?!? Mother's Day is a breeze in comparison. I am aware of the children who have no Dad on the scene which is why we just write 'To someone Special...' so that the child can chosse who to give it to. any ideas welcome!!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466,