Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
- 7 replies
Hi Can anyone remember the words to this rhyme? Jack in the box is a funny wee man He........ Out pops he Not a lot to go on is there!
- 5 replies
We have a few of our older children going to school. So we though that we would do a 6 week plan around the this theme and do holidays at the same time for our younger ones. Now as anyone got any activity ideas for the children to learn fro in particular 'going to school'? The plan is that we plan one main activity for each day, and to cover all 6 areas of learning over the week. Thanks in Advance So guess what I am doing next week in the school holidays........planning for the 6 weeks. One of these days I will be able to rest....erm maybe not with studying too from September! Beth
Self Identity
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi Can anyone give me some ideas on activities i can do with 2 year olds. I'm being observed for my college course so need to come up with something that is linked to their self identity and recognising difference... have loads of ideas for the older children but she wants to observe a 2 yr old session...... oh dear!!!!!! Any ideas much appreciated....
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi everyone, I'd like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I'm Fluffychuffnuts, I've been teaching in Reception for two years (this probably isn't the right place to introduce myself but I've never posted anything before so sorry about that!) I've been a member for a few months now and I'm always amazed at the dedication and creativity of the members but have never been brave enough to join in. So here goes ... Next week the whole school are doing a multicultural celebration and I've been given India as my country to do a mini topic on. I'm up to my eyeballs in profiles at the moment as I know many of you are and wondered if any of you clever people had …
- 1 reply
I have been asked to give an inset on story telling using a multi sensory approach. I am going to do the bear hunt story and have different smells and textures for people to walk through. I would like to get the teachers to do some tasks as well but not sure what to do. any ideas appreciated.
St Georges Day
by Guest- 0 replies
Following on from making child size cardboard shields for defense against dragons yesterday, today all the small world people have tiny little shields.
Creative Ideas For Nursery Rhymes?
by Guest- 14 replies
hi everyone, just wondered if you clever people have any good tried and tested ideas for creative activities for nursery rhyme topic in a reception class??? Have tried searching the forum but didnt have much luck any ideas and suggestions would be much appreciated many thanks in advance!
- 5 replies
Hello I was wondering if anyone had any good ideas for setting up little problem solving ideas within the classroom or outdoors? We did one where the children had to get some ducks to a paddling pool. We provided (half) drain pipes, buckets and water and the children had to work out that if they filled the pipes with the water the ducks could be pushed along. They were not allowed to carry the ducks or the buckets to get them across. It worked really well with a little bit of adult help! We want to make it a weekly part of our planning but I am struggling to come up with different ideas. Thanks for reading this, any ideas will be great and we will try them.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2007, -
- 9 replies
I know many of you may no longer be using themes, but could i ask what are your favourite themes to use. Thx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_9850, -
- 0 replies
A friend of mine is trying to remember a poem, the parts she remembers are A train goes over the river, over the lea, down to the sea Chickety can. Apperently it was a long poem and was made into a ladybird book at one point. Anyone remember the words? Thx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8285,