Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
Jungle Theme
by Guest- 9 replies
Does anyone have inspiration for jungle/ wild animal themed songs and rhymes? Also stories and ideas for sand/small world play. Can we use bark chippings in school? Was thinking of having plastic wild animals in a tray with them...........Thanks for the help
Percy The Park Keeper
by Guest- 1 follower
- 8 replies
I am doing a week theme on Percy the park keeper after the hols and would be very grateful for any ideas linked to it for continuous provision areas, seem to be a bit brain dead at the mo hopefully just in need of a 2 week break!!!!
Frozen Teddy
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi Everyone, I'm really looking for some advice. I have an interview on Tuesday where I have to do an activity of my choice with a group of 4 aged 3/4 children (not sure of any abilities). This has to last for 1 hour and can be indoors or out. I first decided to make some playdough and then explore it but since visiting the school they have an amazing outdoor area which I feel I should use. I have thought about allowing children to find a frozen teddy and discussing how he got there, where he came from, etc. I then thought we could make some posters to put up around the garden asking if he belongs to anyone. I would normally take this project over weeks but obvio…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Maths Topic
by Guest- 6 replies
I have an interview for a new job as a nursery teacher and I need to do a 15 minute activity for about 6 children with a link to Maths. I then have to do a whole class stroy time/circle time (26 children) for 15 minutes, also with a link to Maths. Does anyone have any brilliant ideas for me? Thank you for taking time to read this.
Wild Animals
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi! I will be starting after half term with the theme 'wild animals', I hope this will fill the 7 weeks until christmas! Does anyone have any ideas for planning that may have been successful or know the best way to approach the theme? I have a class of 19 early years children, 11 don't speak a word of English, therefore I have discovered this half term that I need to simplify the activities a lot to suit my children!! Lucy x
- 7 replies
Need some insight from others so natually thought of you all! For my latest assignment I am observing children exploring large construction. They have a range of open-ended materials to explore. I have observed them climbing into cardboard boxes, exploring what it is like to be inside the box, covering the box, themselves with blankets, camouflage nets etc, taking turns etc. How can I support their learning and broaden their experience, stimulate or challenge them, using this possible interest/schema in enclosing and enveloping. So far I have thought about adding tunnels, asking them how they could make a t-pee (sp?) out of long cardboard rolls to cover and…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_705, -
- 6 replies
Out theme after Easter is growing 1st half term is plants, growing seeds, potatoes etc . We thought about 2nd half term looking at our growth and the things germs grow on ie Teeth Cleaning, Hand Washing ect. Has anyone got any ideas on activities,circle time, songs etc.
Themed Week
by Guest- 6 replies
Both KS1 and FS are planning for a themed week which is based around the Caribbean. We are having artists and a steel band coming in but we need to plan actvities for the rest of the week. We are all planning something for the week and I'm trying to plan a music day as well as a carnival day. Has anyone got any ideas? Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
Gymnastic Plans
by Guest- 2 replies
Hello all, Does aqnyone one use a good scheme of work for P.E? I work in a mixed reception/year 1 class, our school uses QCA but im not really a fan. Our topic is traditional stories and we are doing gymnastics, so a link betwen the two would be great! Thanks in advance Rachel
Last reply by AnonyMouse_10713, -
Senses Activity Ideas
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi everyone im all a bit new to this site but finsing it abolsutely fantastic! I am working on some activity ideas for the class and wondered if anyone else had any ideas as I feel I have got to the point where I have now run out of ideas! our topic this term is the Senses- in particular cretive activities. Thank you in advance x\