Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
Certificates For Competition
by Guest- 5 replies
Has anyone got a template for a certificate? We are holding a decorate an egg competition for the children and parents. 1st & 2nd prizes will be given but would also like to give each child a certificate for entering. I could make my own!!! but if anyone has one I could use or adapt that would be great. thanks....mrsb
- 0 replies
Hi just wondering if anyone will be celebrating St Davids day and if they have any fresh ideas for activities?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2821, -
- 7 replies
has anyone got an easy reipe for peppermint creams please? The only ones i can find have egg white surely we cant use them now?Thankyou
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
Reward System
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi, We have used a star chart in our nursery room for the past few months (5 stars = a sticker and 10 stars =a certificate). The children don't seem that enthused by it anymore and was wondering whether anyone can suggest any tried and tested reward systems. Thanks for your time.
Disability Awareness Week-any Ideas?
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi all, really need some help! We are having a whole school disability awareness week next week. All of our carpet times and activities have to be linked to this topic. I am in Nursery and am struggling to think of things to do with the children that they would understand and enjoy. Would be grateful if anyone has any ideas! Thanks Claire
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi, Can anyone recommend any sites where I could download alphabet friezes and other literacy resources? Thank you.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Story Tellers Chair
by Guest- 4 replies
I am going to make a story teller's chair with the children next week. I have a large plastic red chair and was hoping for the children to come up with some of their own ideas on how to decorate it. I need some ideas of my own so that I can start the children off. Can anyone help?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Outdoor Library
by Guest- 1 reply
We have a small wooden shed in our outdoor space which I was thinking about turning into a library. Hoping to add comfortable cushions and rugs. I also have 2 tables and 6 chairs. Going to add a range of books and get the children to make a sign, opening times, tickets and cards. Can anyone else think of any exciting additions? Thanks for your time.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1469, -
Very Hungry Caterpillar With Pse
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi all In Spring term 2 we covering the very hungry caterpillar - i am struggling for PSE activites to go with it. The obvious one whch came to mind was caring for living things - however i cant actually see an ealry learning goal which covers caring for living things? - or am i just being very thick? (most probably!!!!) Any ideas woud be welcomed Thank you Merry Christmas x
Another Song Request
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi - i seem to be having a complete brain freeze moment & was wondering if anybody could help me out - i am trying to create a list of simple songs/rhymes to send home to our parents linked to our theme for this half term - SOUNDS! (Last half term was easier - it was Nursery Rhymes)!!!! Anyway, have thought of - i hear thunder / Old Macdonald / I am the music man - that's it! (Told you i had brain freeze!) Any other ideas VERY gratefully recieved!!! Thanks xx