Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
- 19 replies
As I read through the many posts on here I notice some settings stick to planning for topics/themes others are child led and plan through this. My setting generally are child led and weekly planning is based on medium planning(!) and long term on special events/festivals/celebrations/birthdays etc My questions are............. Do you plan using topics/themes? Are you child led? What do you find works best? If you still stick to themes.....have you tried to plan child-led? I have my own opinion on this and would like to view others! mrsb
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
Outdoor Christmas Activities
by Guest- 9 replies
Help! We have OFSTED in on Wednesday, I am starting Christmas tomorrow, have done the Advent calendar and are making Santas Grotto or similar depending what they want to do tomorrow with the children. We have access to our own playground with bikes, home corner, sand etc but am struggling to think up something outdoor linking with Christmas. We will set up a Nativity area later in the week but don't feel I can cope with that and Santas Grotto before Wednesday Any ideas would be gratefully received. By the way it's a Reception Class.
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi! I am going to be following the topic, 'hats' next half term, however I am really not sure how to approach this topic and break it down each week (good job it's only 4 weeks to fill!). Has anyone ever done this topic before or have any ideas to get me started! When I do my planning I must bear in mind that nearly all of my class are not native English and over half don't speak English yet, so I must simplify activities as much as possible to develop their vocab and understanding. Thanks Lucy
Last reply by AnonyMouse_75, -
Last Nqt Observations - Any Ideas?!
by Guest- 10 replies
Hello everyone, Just thought I would ask for some ideas for my final NQT observation next week!! Yey!! I am a Nursery teacher with a morning and afternoon class. I have been asked to do a mathematical development activity with a small group as my mentor has already observed me doing whole class/one to one activities in CLL and CD. My topic this term is People who help us and next week I will be looking at Police Officers. Any ideas for an activity linked to topic would be fantastic as I have gone blank!! Please?? Thanks in advance! x
Construction Small World
by Guest- 3 replies
Hello Today I put my sand in my tuff spot and added diggers/construction vehicles etc. It was an instant success! Children came in and the table was full! I really want to continue this tomorrow and potentially the week, however I have very little inspiration on how to extend/change it to maintain interest and attention. I'm sure many of you have had a similar small world at some point. Please help me! Amanda
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2846, -
People Who Help Us, Please Help!
by Guest- 11 replies
Hello, Does anyone have any outdoor ideas for the topic 'People who help us' please?!! I am doing fire fighters and have thought about dressing up/climbing up ladders/sliding down fire pole but am struggling for other ideas. Also thinking about police/opticians etc... my mind has gine blank so any help would be great!! Thanks
Gingerbread Recipe
by Guest- 10 replies
Getting in front with next half terms planning traditional tales and found most Gingerbread men recipes use a melting method.I've used this cold mix recipe for years and always found it reliable.Much safer with young children so I thought I'd add it to the resource bank. I also use it for Snowmen to hang on the tree using a a large and small circle cutter which over lap-currents and cherries for the face as usual and that piped ready made icing tubes for scarves and dusted with icing sugar.
Help, New Topic
by Guest- 2 replies
Ok, so it's that time of the half term when I start looking at my next topic. I've got a whole new topic cycle now I'm back in FS. My new topic to take me from October to December is Musical Intruments with Christmas to do at the appropriate time! Any great ideas for my class of reception/year 1 who are actually functioning at a 6 months- 2 years level. I do have some already with looking at different instruments, instruments from around the world and making our own etc but any ideas you guys have such as good stories or other things would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance, Nichola
Words To Song
by Guest- 7 replies
Can anyone help me we are doing pirates at playschool this week and we have forgotten the words to the song that starts Went I was 1 I sucked my thumb Thanks Rosie
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Story Book With A Baker In It!
by Guest- 15 replies
Hi everyone Can anyone suggest a story suitable for nursery about a baker, or has a baker in it? I am being observed and have to tell a story and have a maths extension activity after. I thought about a story including a baker and then doing a maths activity relating to 5 currant buns. Can anyone help....please??? or any other good suggestions from the experts? Thanks brown eyed girl