Ideas for activities, themes and topics
Discuss all your creative ideas, or ask for inspiration!
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- Growing Topic Resource
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- Bonfire Night Songs
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- Winter: Snow And Ice Topic
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898 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
I know I've seen borax mentioned on here and elsewhere as being good to use in things. Can you tell me what you do with it? The local £ shop has a load and I hate to miss an opportunity. Thanks folks
by Guest- 16 replies
Ok help guys! I've just been looking at the topic cycles for next term and I'm moving from the juniors back into my favourite reception and year 1. Granted when I was in Y3 and 4 I was still doing work at a nursery level because of my class but hey ho! I'm needing some inspiration on stories/ideas etc based on the topic 'Breakfast' Any good ones? I've got some already but anything would be great.
- 7 replies
Just jotted down some of my ideas for our "Autumn" theme. Very basic but a few ideas some might find useful!
Ive Lost All My Links....
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi all i've lost all my favourites! dont know how, returned from hoilday and they have gone. I can remember a couple of them i used for activities and ideas but was hoping you wouldnt mind sharing some of your links to save me time. I had built up quite a collection and now i feel like ive lost my right arm look forward to your replies Jo
Can You Help Plz...
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi all... do any of you remember a rhyme, or more of a song, about a fussy old crow who would only sit on a certain chimney pot with a certain number sort of went... no number 1, no number 2, no number 3 or 4 ...........but the fussy old crow ........ (with the singer holding a puppet!) ive asked everyone i know and they havent got a clue what i am on about, i've done a google search with no joy and its driving me mad Jo just tried another search and it was from Play School, but still cant find the words!
Outdoor Environment
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi all the outdoor environment is our first topic next term we are looking at school grounds, village, wildlife area and the local woods. Any activity ideas gratefully received!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
by Guest- 13 replies
I would like my year 1 chn to write a recipe and instructions for making a sandwich. Do you know where i could find any recipe cards for that . Also i really would like some info on how you tackle writing in year 1. I am finding it difficult with the less able chn.How much input do you give and do you correct them when they make a mistake.I would also be interested to see some lit and numeracy plans for year 1 as i feel our plans are too rigid. Sorry for all moaning but i am really not enjoying being in year 1 this year. Because i am Foundation stage trained i feel perhaps i am not challenging my more able group enough.
Peope And Places Topic
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi, been searching forum for ideas but what I am looking for specifically are some holistic and creative ideas on this topic and on holidays topic that are suitable for nursery and reception children. Also would like nursery ideas for all areas for these topics. I was thinking of starting with places and people around school and then moving on to looking at some of the countries children in the nursery have come from. Maybe the cleaner, lollipop lady, library? Countries children have come from include Poland, Latvia, Portugal, Pakistan, India, Zimbabwe. Anyone got any ideas for these topics? Thanks!
Independence Day
by Guest- 1 reply
HI Independence day has crept up on us, we have a little girl who's mum is American so we would quite like to do something for independence day, but am stumped for ideas. ashamibly i did not pay much attention in history at school, so actually have little idea of what independence day is about (hangs head in shame) so anyone care to enlighten me on what independance day is about (in simple terms so i can explain it to the pre-school children, and of course understand it myself too LOL ) Thanks in advance Dawn
- 10 replies
Please could someone help me by reminding me of the words to the 'daddy's is taking us to the zoo tomorrow' song. I remember the corus, but can't remember the verses. Help me please... Elfy x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8282,