Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
Poeple Who Help Us
by Guest- 3 replies
Could really do with some ispiration for my medium term planning of the topic - Poeple Who Help us. Does anybody ahve any planning they would be willing to share or know of any sueful sites where i may get some from?? Thanks in anticipation xx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5677, -
- 13 replies
A colleague has just told me about this 'wake up shake up' daily physical activity programme Does anyone know anything about it, or where I can find out more about it... I have looked at a dvd of it which suggests a website, but can't access it...
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
Inspiration Please
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi all, we are planning a date for our Long term Planning meeting for the next academic year, and as we gradually move towards planning for the children's interests etc. we don't feel fully confident just yet at letting go of the 'themes' which we have based our planning around in the past. I know it will take time, and we are moving in the right direction (thanks to help from this wonderful site) just wanted to ask for some inspirational ideas. Basing on the children's own interests for next year - the children are still quite young at the moment(2.5 - 3yrs) and really enjoy role play home corner, cuddly toy animals and singing time. Next year these will be our eldest c…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8469, -
- 11 replies
Hi Next term we are going to be working within a jungle theme. We are thinking of tring to work from a key story each week and following the childrens interests onwards. I was wondering whether anyone has some favourite stories around the jungle theme that they feel would work particularly well. We have already planned some work from Rumble in the Jungle. Any favourite songs around the theme would be useful too.. Thanks for your help! Elfy x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8391, -
Moving To Year 1
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi There Next Year 1 am moving from our new FSU into year one with the brief that i should take the good practice from the EY into KS1, and was wondering if anyone had any advice to give??? Has anyone else done this or is it running in your school? Eventually we want the FS 6 areas to go throughout the whole school - so this is a trial run to see how things go and to prove that it can be done!!!! ANY advice would be great Thanks Sarah
Floating And Sinking
by Guest- 4 replies
Hey, I am a trainee teacher and my mentor would like me to teach the topic of floating and sinking over the course of 5 weeks. I am wondering whether anyone has taught this area before and could give me some tips. Thank you Sarahjayne
Adult Directed Activities?
by Guest- 6 replies
Just wondering - how many adult activities do you have over a week. I am currently in nursery - children are part time - 3 adults (I yeacher, 2 TA's) during child initiated time we ahve 1 adult in the outdoor area, 1 adult doing the adult directed activity (linked to weekly theme) 7 1 adult on 'play support'. The adult activities i am refering to are the ones that tkae place during this time (we do focused taeching activiies at a separate time in the session. I was just wondering - we have been doing 2 different activities over the week - but this means that not all teh chdn have the opportunity to take part - so was thinking of switching to 1 which could run throughout t…
by Guest- 5 replies
Hey, I am wondering if anyone has any good ideas on theme of pirates??! My class is a mixed class ranging from Reception to Year 2. Any ideas would be much appreciated Sarahjayne
- 12 replies
I have been really interested in the tuff spot ideas posted on this forum. I hadn't heard of a tuff spot but realise its exactly what we have been looking for. Up until now we have used water trays and even an old cardboard box to make a dinosaur environment. I have a meeting on Thursday with other lead teachers from my group of schools and would like to recomend we order some from the UK. I would love some photographs to show the endless possibilities using a Tuff spot. I have seen the photo from Mookie, does anyone else have some i could show? - i promise to credit them to you. Thx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8285, -
Independent Activities - Help!
by Guest- 12 replies
Hello, I've just recently joined the forum and the wonderful world of Reception. I'm an NQT and did my training in KS1 and mostly KS2. I've had my class since January and am really struggling with independent activities. Our topic for this term is minibeasts and I was wondering whther you could give me some ideas for CLL, MD, KUW, CD that could engage the children and e used as independent activities please? Sorry if I should know what I'm doing and I don't! Thanks, Tash