Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
- 27 replies
Hi I am wondering if anyone uses bought compost in their sand tray. I used to use it when I first started teaching and wondered if you can still use it now and if so what type do you all buy?
Small World In A Tuff Spot
by Guest Wolfie- 10 replies
What's the best small world set that you've ever created in a Tuff Spot? I'm running a session on Small World play for parents next week and I'd like to have one set up in the Tuff Spot that'll make them go "Wow!" and want to play with it!! I've got a few ideas but wondered if any of you have done someting special!
- 5 replies
I am working in a preschool in Hong Kong, we start our farm theme in May but can't visit a farm and see the animals as there aren't any. Any inspirational ideas? We cater for children from 2.5 yrs up to reception year.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8285, -
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi! I am reviewing our opportunities for markmaking (it was something commented on in our inspection in Jan 2004 and I am just reviewing our action plan!). I thought it might be good to share some of the things we use and see if we can compile a resource to dip into! Pizza_Order_forms.doc Pizza_Role_play_Order___Deliver_form.doc PRESCRIPTION.doc postcard.doc Shopping_List.doc VETS_PAD.doc
- 3 replies
Hi everyone I have seen a lot of recommendations to use shaving foam in sensory activities and just wondered how safe it is to use. I know that the younger children will want to explore this by putting it in their mouths and i dont want to stop them doing that, would prefer not to do it at all rather than to stop them. Anyones thoughts and comments would be very much appreciated.
Teddy Bear Rhymes
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi i have just bought a big bag of little teddies (enough for the children to have one each) we had a visitor a few months back who did a rhyme with small teddy bears i can only remember the children putting the bears behind their back and counting 1 2 3, teddy went boo... they also had to put teddy on their head etc , i was hoping someone may know this rhyme, and other rhymes we could use these small bears with. (i can only think of Teddy Bear Teddy Bear turn around etc ) thanks Jo
- 7 replies
Can anybody suggest a simple way of making number recognition at circle time fun, that could be made more challenging and acheivable depending on the child. For example, we might hold up a a child's name and sing 'I wonder what your name is... when they recognise it they go find their a chair for snack. What could we do for number recognition?
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I have a couple of students with me at the moment, and one would like to plan some activities to develop children's language through art. It's not one of my strengths, and I've come up with: 1) angry/happy lines, etc 2) Looking at artists' work and leading discussions around them 3) Talking about texture in collages. 4) Listening to music and creating art simultaneously, developing vocabulary etc. Has anyone got any exciting ideas?
Last reply by Steve, -
- 12 replies
How_To_Make_A_Pentagon_Den.docI've put this in the patterns sub-category on here, then realised it may get more views here!!! I recently went on a course entitled 'VISUAL ARTS INSPIRED BY REGGIO EMILIO'. It was simply amazing and I'd like to share a fantastic activity with you. With any luck I've successfully attached it to this post! If not let me know. Its a pentagon den which you can make on any scale using anything from art straws to 8ft bamboo canes (did this, wouldn't recommend it for a fist though!!) They are really easy to make once you get the gist of it and the opportunities are endless!! I dare you to make one!! Lucy x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2846, -
St. Georges Day!
by Guest- 4 replies
hi all! does anyone have any ideas on st. georges day activities? doing 'castle' topic after easter and want to interlink it together. thanks.