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898 topics in this forum
Fantastic Easter Activity
by Guest- 17 replies
On Fri we are having a special Easter celebration day and I am in charge of overseeing the activities for the Nursery, Reception and Year One classes. We will have 6 members of staff who will be doing diff activities on a carousel basis. Have been so busy organising timetable and other staff's activities have not sorted my activitiy out yet. Does anyone have a really wonderful Easter activity that they have done in the past and if so would you be prepared to share it? It can be absolutely anything (Learning obj of the day is FUN) however we already have 2 cooking activities and a treasure hunt going on so preferably something diff. It's got to last approx 20 - 30 min…
Easter Cooking
by Guest- 8 replies
any ideas for easter cooking activities? we always seem to do the chocolate nests with eggs and feel like a change! Just wondering what you all have planned.
- 10 replies
Hi I am trying to get organsied and was looking at having a incubator and eggs for the children to hatch in the spring. Has any one any ideas how I would go about this? has ayone done it how did it go? where can I get the eggs and the incubator from I Live in the Lincolnshire area if that is any help. Sorry loads of questions but I know some of you wonderful people will have some suggestions.
- 12 replies
we have just decided to do dinosaurs and cars for autumn term topics, I've never done these topics before in much detail, anyone got any exciting ideas, would love to hear them....
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4145, -
- 3 replies
Does anyone elst have this problem - We have a F.S.unit attached to our 0-3daycare room. There are two problems. 1. The rising threes are now in the F.S unit The issue is planning when their is such a wide age range with some children still on birth to three and yellow stepping stones and at the other end children who will be entering Y1 in september. The care needs are different and so are the staff ratios. Has anyone got any useful info or ideas on this . We currently have continuous provision for the children 0-3+. But the problem is also that the current teacher has her own topics to cover which are not always suitable for the younger children. …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Castles, E.t.c.!
by Guest- 13 replies
hi all! can anyone give me some ideas on a 'castles' topic, hoping to do this after easter, but mind's gone blank even thinking about it!
- 7 replies
Hi I have made up the usual treasure baskets wooden bathroom, rolling e.t.c but would like to make up some less common/obvious ones has anyone any suggestions for ones I can make. Thank You
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7317, -
Sensory Mothers Day Ideas
by Guest- 1 reply
Anyone got any ideas for a sensory mothers day gift suitable to do with 2-4 year olds. We made plaster of paris hand prints one year and these took agea but liooked great! Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_705, -
by Guest- 5 replies
Next week e are visiting a local farm. We will be seeing cows, ponies, goats, chickens, sheep and lambs as well as a number of small animals such as gerbils, rabbits, budgies etc... We will have chance to feed the lambs and have a tractor ride. The problem is my mind has gone completely blank as to follow up activities!!!! Help!! I was thinking for literacy i might try the Big Write which has been discussed at length in another topic. I was thinking of using the farm for this. One of the activities outdoors will be a farmyard. We have some very large plastic animals, wagons and tractors. I thought we could could do a numeracy activity out there with animals in their pens…
Persian New Year
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi i was told today by a parent that the 21st march is persian new year, does anybody else celebrate this. I wondered about doing something but not sure what? I've never done this one before?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73,