Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
Hi all, any ideas for this mini topic? We are going to make wanted posters, bravery certificates, castle role play... thought I 'd pick your brains for any other ideas please?
- 2 replies
Hi - really need some inspiration - I need an activity for children to do as a follow up to the carpet session. It needs to be for small groups of children and not take too long as we work with 2 groups of children in the session and only have about 15 minutes or so with each group. We made simple clocks last time but this required too much adult support and i wanted something that the children can complete by themselves. Hopefully someone will have brilliant ideas Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Observation By Head And Deputy
by Guest- 8 replies
I am being observed by our head and deputy on monday and the focus of their observation is questionning. For the lesson which they are observing will be a literacy activity on Jack and The Benstalk in which children will be making wanted posters in order to capture the giant. My main questioning will come in the ten minute input before we make the posters. I am really worried about the questionning part as i am not sure what type of questions i can ask any ideas will be very very gratefully received. Thanks Lola
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Dealing With Emotions
by Guest- 11 replies
can anyone give me any ideas for activities to help children aged 0-3 years with dealing with their emotions.
Pets And Vets Help
by Guest- 12 replies
hi, wondering if anyone has got any colouring sheets of pet animals/pictures of a vet/ pictures of the tools that vets use or could point me in the right direction thanks.
Beanstalk Music
by Guest- 5 replies
I am not very musical so I am hoping maybe you are! I would like some music to support a movement session relating to Jack and the Beanstalk. So something for the giants footsteps, Jack running I don't have a clue what will be suitable- help please!! I am going to use percussion instruments aswell but I would really like some other music aswell Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
by Guest Really- 7 replies
This is my topic next half term and I am struggling with planning ideas. I have searched the forums and found some odd bits. The Hamilton Trust topic looks good but I don't want to have to pay £28+ for it. Does anyone have any inspiration for me? Thanks.
Chinese New Year
by Guest Wolfie- 9 replies
Anyone out there got any new and exciting ideas for covering Chinese New Year? We've come across a lovely story called "Cleversticks" that we're going to use but are looking for some more inspiration! Any ideas............?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Chinese Music And Song's
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi I need some help with finding some chinese music and song's to use with my preschoolers to help celebrate chinese new year . I used to sing a song about a dragon but have lost the words. something like dance dragon the new day has come dance gragon dance the down comes the rain or something like that if anybody knows it. But any suggestions would be kool. Just started at a new setting that have never celebrated it before so having to start from scratch with music and song's Hope you wise people can help thanks blue sorry about the spelling
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
The Verdict
by Guest- 5 replies
Has anyone been watching this on BBC 2 while they are on half term?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2846,