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898 topics in this forum
Match Of The Day
by Guest- 3 replies
I seem to have lost my link to a maths site that had a game where it played the Match of the Day theme tune and the goalie had to save the ball -children tried to score 5 goals I think and had to guess which way goalie went -not been on it for a while and was hoping to use it next week. I thought it was from the kent ngfl site but can't seem to find it. Hope someone can help. Thanks!
Animal Themed Display
by Guest- 4 replies
I don't generally follow a theme in my 1-2 year room, but i sometimes make a display as this stimulates lot's of language from them. Anyway I'm looking for an idea based around animals (farm, zoo etc) I have done Old Mcdonald before but i was trying to think of a book maybe. I'm at a loss, brain not working It needs to be quite simple, but interesting to look at. Any ideas???? gratefully received!!
Thank You
by Guest- 15 replies
Hi, this is the first time I have posted a message even though I use this site all the time. I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone. Last week I had an observation and used the frozen teddy idea from this site, I got good feedback - even the head who was observing said she was dying to open the envelope to see what was inside. So just wanted to let you all know how much I appreciate this site and say thank you x
Colouring Rice
by Guest- 15 replies
Hi I want to colour some rice for next week. Can someone tell me the best way to do this. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
Book Week- Help!
by Guest- 6 replies
Hello, Hope that this works! This is all very new to me- this is a newbie posting a messge on a forum As an NQT I need some advice on planning for a book week next week. I would be grateful for opinions and ideas, I could approach book week by focusing on a particular author or by looking at a range of books. I'm not sure which is best and it would be helpful to know if eoither has been successful for you- especially as I am being observed next week! Thanks for your help
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
- 10 replies
I was wondering if anyone knew of a source - preferably free or cheap - of photos as mentioned above. I'm particulalry looking for Chinese people, not just because of Chinese New Year but because we have one Chinese girl in an all white group, and she's adopted by a white family. A4 or A5 size would be ideal.
Painting To Music
by Guest- 5 replies
we are hoping to do some 'painting' to music using our interactive whiteboard. does anyone have any ideas of two pieces of contasting music we can use as the stimulus? Music is not really my thing!!! Thanks
Basic Biscuit Recipe?
by Guest- 9 replies
Hey everyone.. have left my cook book at school and urgenetly need to buy the ingredients for cooking 2maro... do any of you know a good simple bisciut recipe??? many thanks in advance xx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 2 replies
has anyone made a pomander with the children before, thought it would tie in with our senses topic. Just wondered how easy it was?
Australia And China
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi I wondered if anybody can help. We have been observing the children and they are really into aeroplanes and travelling at the moment, we thought it might be a good idea to do a week in different countries, we decided on australia, then we were going to do china to link in with chinese new year, noodles for snakc etc, we are going to make passports etc. After this i seem to have lost inspiration, has anybody got any ideas of things they could make or do.