Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
Labels Made Exciting!
by Guest- 6 replies
Next week we are looking at labels in literacy. I am looking for inspiration i want to do something different and exciting any ideas???
The Clinic
by Guest- 5 replies
We're having a clinic as our structured play and want to link to the over all topic Our Senses. Doing a sense a week so will look at eye test chart the week we do sight. Any other ideas? Having the usual bed, doctor and nurses uniforms, bandages, medical kit, babies, scales but any new ideas for resources/role play would be much appreciated. Want to get each child to make a medical card so they can be stored alphabetically when they play patient/receptionist but with there being 77 children not sure of an easy way to do this. They found it really difficult using index cards when I just had my 30 reception. ????????????????
Ideas For Things To Make
by Guest- 14 replies
Hi all I've just had a fun 10 minutes, colouring some rice for tomorrow ..(my husband must think i am mad, keep telling him it an 'early years thing' ). i had to throw away my old 'rainbow rice'.... will take some more in for the children to do. any way it got me thinking... has any one else got any inexpensive and quick ideas for things they make for their settings would love to hear your ideas, just incase theres things i have not thought about . Jo
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Very Hungry Caterpillar
by Guest- 5 replies
We are doing this book next week and i am looking for something to do which is a bit different for a literacy activity. We have dne lots of sequencing so i am trying to steer clear of that sort of thing. Children are aged 4 and 5 Thanks
- 9 replies
Does anybody have any fresh ideas for a topic about food please?
Wheels And Things...
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi all my mind has gone blank...think its still in holiday mode anyway i have a child in my setting who is fascinated by things that turn (schema of rotation?) there is a possiblity of him being on the autistic spectrum ( we are working with family and SENCo) and i really want to help him, one idea was a treasure basket full of things he can turn etc but at the moment my ideas as very limited... was hoping some of you wonderful people would have some great ideas... ...please Jo
Last reply by AnonyMouse_534, -
Moving Things
by Guest- 7 replies
Well it's nearly time to go back to work and my brain has started to switch away from holiday to work mode. My new topic is 'Moving Things' and so my science is about Forces etc. I'm at a real loss of any inspiration, especially as my topic next half term is about Toys. Anyone got any inspiration? I teach in a special school for kids with SLD/PMLD and I have a Y2/3 class working at P2-6/7 so all you 0-3 lot as well as FS guys would be a great help! Thanks in advance! Nich xx
by Guest- 6 replies
Next term we are going to do a topic on bridges have anyone got any suggestions what we can do. We have said that the children can use the large and small blocks to build bridges then use small world toys to extend the activity. Read the story of three billy goats gruff. Rosemarie
Road Safety
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi, can anyone give me any ideas for a topic on road safety. I have to plan something to fit in each area of the setting. The areas are Art and crafts, dough, home corner/imaginative play, stories, sand, water, rhymes and songs and extra activities. i would be most grateful for any ideas, thanks Tracey
North And South Pole
by Guest- 15 replies
Our topic after christmas is north and south pole. Has anybody got any ideas for this topic, just can't seem to get going, Thankyou