Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi all, Flying off to Turkey, Istanbul soon. Has any1 been there n any tips will b appreciated. Thanks Flowerxxxxx
Using Foundation Stage Profiles
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi everyone, I have recently become a member and have been very impressed by the support that you all give each other in this forum. Having completed a Foundation Degree in Education with special emphasis on Early Years I am already converted to the benefits of the forum because part of my own study involved participation on line to help, support and share information with fellow students. This is the first time that I have made a contribution to the FsF although I have been reading your 'stuff' for quite some time. I work in a FSU and at the moment we are considering the question of transition of our pupils to YR1. I seem to think that there was a discussion abo…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Goldilocks And Three Bears Help!
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi all, Has anyone got any ideas, activities, sequencing cards, powerpoint etc on Goldilocks n 3 Bears. Please help a distressed NQT. At this forum many people have helped e.g. hungry caterpillar. Hope someone out there can help. Doing it for a literacy lesson. Thanks in advance Flowerxxxxxx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Noahs Ark
by Guest- 0 replies
Have changed my request as noone seemed to reply!! I am doing noahs ark next week as my story and making links between areas of learning. I have attached what I have so far, if anyone has any other ideas or activiites, would love to hear them cheers charlotte noahs_ark_ideas.doc
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi Our topic in the next few weeks is time, trouble is i can't think of any songs connected with the topic. The only one i can think of that is slightly connected is this is the way we brush our teeth early in the morning etc.... and hickory dickory dock, does anybody know any others.
Travel Agents Role Play Area
by Guest- 7 replies
HI I work in a pre-school room of a day nursery, our topic at present is Transport, and for our role play area we have a travel agents, however it seems rather sparse,.... we only have lots of travel brochures in there at the moment, a phone, old laptop, pens paper and that;'s about all... what more could we add. Its not a hugely large area (only has one table in it, and a house type front)... but how else can we make it more fun for the children to be in there and to develop there role play (ideally around travel agents/booking holiday's etc....) The children actually love the area as it is,a nd often extend their role play out of it by prtending to be on planes,…
Small World
by Guest- 3 replies
help i am reletively new to foundation stage and have had the advisors in to assess they are saying that i should have a different small world activity each day or that a new concept should added in each day i am finding this a nightmare please can anyone help my topic is travel and holidays
Maths Activities For 2 Year Olds
by Guest- 3 replies
We ahve a maths table within my setting and we are desperately in need of some new ideas, we have the usual or threading activities, matching activities, sorting activities just want something different to do, has anyone got any ideas. For 2-3 year old children. Thank you Emma xXx
Does Anybody Know This Game?
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi all I'm wondering if anyone can help me out. I have seen a game used with nursery children many moons ago! It is called Mrs Bear's Honeypot but there are probably other variations out there. It is something to do with having to 'steal' a bunch of keys (or other suitably jingly item) from 'mrs Bear', then she has to guess who did it, but I can't remember exactly! I would love to use it in a music lesson I am planning for my next teaching practice (start of June). Hope someone knows what I'm on about!! Lucy xxx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_832, -
Sand Play
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi there, I am developing my sand play as part of my ongoing core provision. I am hoping you creative thinkers will have lots of interesting ways to develop my basic provision of buckets and spades!! (ok I do have a bit more than that, but I am looking for some new ideas) Can you help please?