Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
Phonics Err
by Guest- 4 replies
Hello My school is thinking of taking on the Early Reading Research ERR approch to teaching phonics. I was wondering if anybody has used this and how they have got on with it in Reception? I am vey interested to hear your feedback, Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3401, -
by Guest- 5 replies
Our Topic after half term is Time. I have thought of looking at times of the day, making a book about what we do at a particular time, making clocks, Talking about time of the year(seasons). But i need some inspiration, i did wonder about doing something to do with time passing, like how we didn;t have cookers. cars etc but not sure how i would link all this in for pre-school children, anybody have any good ideas, as i'm really struggling with this topic. Thanks
Topic Or No Topic..
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi all Do you all plan using topics? We have been wondering if we are restricted by using topics . sometimes staff have ideas that don't always fit into our topic. Athough we are guided by the childrens abilities, observations, interests etc would it be easier and more effective without a topic, erm.. I look forward to finding out what others do. Cheers Jo
Animal Songs
by Guest- 14 replies
Hi We are doing Animals as our topic when we go back. I was thinking of making finger puppets off animals with the children, then using them at circle time for singing, only i seem to be having a blank the only animal song i can sing off is old macdonald. Can anybody else think of any?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
People Who Help Us
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi! Our theme after the holiday is People Who Help Us and I'm looking for inspiration and ideas. Sadly, any inspiration or ideas I had have deserted me ! I'm pretty sure (unless I'm going mad!) that there are posts on this site relating to PWHU, but I can't seem to find them! Any help pointing me in the right direction would be great!! Clare
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 19 replies
traditionally our early years have had a summer outing but due to the cost to the school, and parent helpers not helping ( smoking, not following the itinery and abandoning their group!) we are reluctant to go out this year. Has anyone any interesting ideas for people to come and visit us instead? fay
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi We are doing science as a topic when we come back after half term does anybody have any ideas what we could do, i'm not sure where to start with this topic, mind seems to be having a blank, any help to get me thinking along the right lines, thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
Too Many Children?
by Guest- 10 replies
We have a difficult decision to make at school and i wondered what other peoples' opinions are. I teach the R/Y1 class (13R, 17Y1) and my colleague teachers the Y!/Y2 class (5Y1, 20 Y2). At the beginning of the year we had fairly even sized classes but we have had some new reception childran start, a Y1 returned who had left and a new Y1 child (who we placed in the R/Y1 class after speaking to his old school for the most suitable placement). We have planned our class split on need, rathe rthan age, those children who were socially and academically more ready to work alongside Y2 children for literacy and numeracy. For some of the foundation subjects the 5 Y1 children re…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
- 6 replies
I have a lesson observation on Monday. The Deputy wants to see how i encourage creative writing in year 1. Our new topic is cavemen. I first thought about getting the children to write a list of things needed to be done in the cave. But then i thought it perhaps does not extend children to be imaginative. I am now thinking about reading a very short piece of text (as last time i was criticised for keeping the chn on the carpet too long), about them entering a cave. Then brainstorming some ideas about what they see, feel etc and then getting them to write about it. I could work with the less able scribing if necessary and the more able can work independently. I also want a…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi Our topic is growing in 2 weeks time and i need some ideas for mathematical development. i have sorting seeds etc and putting clothes in size order but need some other ideas i could do with a group of four children at a time. My brain just seems to have gone blank!!!!!