Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
Queens Birthday
by Guest- 7 replies
I'm not especially 'into' the Royal family but wonder if I should be doing somethig about the Queens birthday with the children when I (joyfully!) return to school this week. Is anyone else doing anything?
Stepping Stones
by Guest- 24 replies
My staff would like to have more examples on how to set up practical activities with certain stepping stones. They find some of the wording and examples in the pink guidance confusing and as I'm recruiting new staff, I thought you may be able to give advice on how you explain them to your staff. In the guidance there are a number of phrases which they feel they need help on. I have sat for about 20 mins now trying to word this properley, but it's not easy!!! If I put down the one's they are struggling with, could you let me know how you go about observing/what activities you provide for them. We are using record books with each stepping stone listed for us to m…
Interactive Ideas For Sensory Areas
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi has anyone got any good ideas for interactive resources or activities for an under the sea sensory area or a space sensory area. Thanks Tracie
Managment Styles
by Guest- 4 replies
has any one any info on management styles in early years settings, which may assist me in writing a management assignment. Cheers
Topic Ideas
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi I'm a new member so I hope this comes out o.k. I'm a nqt who is a Reception class for the first time. The topic after Easter is dinosaurs and I wondered if anyone had any good ideas on this. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you
by Guest- 3 replies
hello there i am new to the forum, i am a NQT trainee on my final teaching practice and my topic is water i have a few ideas for the reception class but would like some more hands on practical ideas, can any one help me. Cheers, Kez
by Guest- 3 replies
Ok, so my new topic after Easter is Farms. I have a Y3/4 class with severe or profound and multiple learning difficulties, so I'm in need of plenty of sensory ideas, whilst still trying to avoid Old Macdonald. We're hoping to plan a visit to our local farm but because of having 5 wheelchair users in my class and the minibus only able to take 2 or 3 at a time we can't all go at once! Got a few ideas in my head, but nothing's set in stone yet. Please help me oh generous people!
- 0 replies
We will be moving into a new school build school shortly and wondered if anyone had some good ideas for activities based around our new school. I have thought of lots of role play activities e.g. school secretary, builder etc but would love some suggestions.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5013, -
- 2 replies
Sorry to be a pain again and thanks for the book ideas from my last post on cavemen, but i am still unsure of activities to do for this topic apart from the obvious ones. To make matters worse the deputy is coming to observe a lit lesson after the hols and wants to see how I motivate the chn to do some creative writing. This topic does not inspire me so need your help. Thanks.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Dear Zoo
by Guest- 7 replies
Hello all, Has anyone got any ideas they are willing to share based on the story of Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell. I would welcome any ideas for any area of the Foundation stage curriculum - Literacy, Numeracy, K+UW etc... I plan to do it after half term. Many Thanks Sharon
Last reply by AnonyMouse_75,