Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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- Growing Topic Resource
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898 topics in this forum
New Girl
by Guest- 10 replies
Hello to everyone, I'm new to the forum and have been debating whether to subscribe. Ive just begun a stint in nursery covering the teacher for the subject of 'designing and making' which needs to be linked to Autumn or the topic of 'golden days'. She hasn't given me a great deal of guidance and I really want to make a go of something fun. Any ideas??
Calendar Ideas
by Guest- 25 replies
Hello people! I started my teaching practice today (very exciting!) and they have asked me if I would like to do this years calendar. Obviously it cant be on a Christmas theme as it goes through the whole year so I need some inspiration from the experinced lot! Any ideas???
Last reply by AnonyMouse_468, -
Any New Bear/toy Activity Ideas
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi I am on teaching practice in a reception class and I'm struggling to find new and exciting ideas for the next few weeks. the topic is toys. I have sorting (old and New) teddy is going home with children overnight and we have a whole week of teddy bears picnic (invites, post office trip, food to make) I would love some really good focus activities that are a little different. Actually I'm worried about how to fill the days. Does everything have to be topic based? My class teacher is fab with thirty years experience, I feel a bit of a nuisance asking for guidance. Will be greatfull for any sugestions Julie.s
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2760, -
Flying Carpet
by Guest- 6 replies
I want children to do some imaginative story writing about a magic carpet. Has anyone got any good ideas. I cannot think of a story about a magic carpet.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4145, -
Train Topic
by Guest- 6 replies
Starting a new topic on trains, but am having real difficulty find good books that include the key language, for example: platform, ticket office, clock, etc. Also I need some more ideas to make this topic cross curricular, for example writing opportunities. Any ideas??
Last reply by AnonyMouse_832, -
- 0 replies
Hello! As part of our Houses and Homes topic I thought I could introduce rhyming by looking at the nursery rhymes 'There was a crooked man' and the 'Old woman who lived in a shoe'. Unfortunately, I can't think of any nice activities to accompany this. Has anyone any interesting ideas? Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5003, -
- 15 replies
Hi all, It's been suggested to me that I might like to write up a topic or two for a proposed new resource area on the site, offering Topic guidance. Thus I am currently working on the theme 'Growing'. What I'd like from anyone who feels so inclined is a bit of input in terms of activities, ideas, books etc that have been useful or worked particularly well for them in the past for inclusion. You don't need to go into too much detail unless you feel it really essential, just a few pointers would do. You can either post here or PM me, I'm easy. I'm also kicking some ideas around for a Seasons topic, so you could also bear that in mind? Cheers, Sue
- 2 replies
Dear All, If any of you interested and would like ideas for Imaginative role play in a flower shop then I have an article coming out in the EYE magazine next week and it is an eight page pull-out project supplement on Imaginative role play. I have zoomed in on role play in a flower shop as this was an excellent project I undertook at my school and the children loved every minute of it! It is not just about setting up the role play corner it also links into all areas of the curriculum and gives other activity ideas to carry out alongside the project. Happy reading Best wishes Sharon
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
Divali Recipes
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi all, Found these recipes, not read them right through so some may not be ok for work but I shall enjoy some at home Peggy Recipes_of_diwali_festival.doc
Autumn Poems
by Guest- 11 replies
Looking for a simple poem on Autumn to use next week. I have looked in some poetry books at home but they are too difficult.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544,