Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
Children's Books
by Guest- 4 replies
For my course I need to give some examples of books which can be used to promote race/culture, gender, special needs, age and how I would use each book with the children. I thought The Creepy Crawly Caterpillar would be an ideal one for perhaps special needs but am stuck on the others, have had a look in my book club brochure but cannot find any titles. Any suggestions would be welcome. Thanks
All About Me
by Guest- 7 replies
I am about to start a new job as pre school room leader in a private nursery. Does anyone have any good different ideas for an all about me topic??
- 8 replies
Hi everyone. I am really hoping someone can help A while ago i remember Peggy (i think!) posting a topic with photographs about a child who painted a picture then painted over the top in black as it was nightime. Also i remember somewhere the topic of 'fluffy duck syndrome' being discussed. Do any of you know where i can find these? I have looked for over an hour, honestly I would appreciate anyones help with this as it is much needed for an employee of mine!! Thanks in anticipation
3 Billy Goats Gruff
by Guest- 10 replies
hi, our first topic this term is traditional tales and we are concentrating on goldilocks, 3 little pigs and 3 billy goats gruff, ive found loads of ideas for the first 2 but i was wondering if anyone had any great ideas for 3 billy goats gruff. i work in a nursery setting thanks
Display For Sand Area
by Guest- 5 replies
I have a small display board by the sand pit at child height (unusual in my classroom). I announced boldly that I was going to make an interactive display to go with the sand, but now have no ideas at all. Has anyone done anything like this ? What display (if any) do you have in your sand area. We have a choice of tools available, so it could be linked to that, or some kind or challenge, or our theme (bears). Thanks
by Guest- 16 replies
Covering toys this term and am struggling to find craft activities ideas for old toys. Anyone have any ideas. Also does anyone know of a good www which covers old toys. Have searched but mostly found adults aimed at collectors. Net x
- 4 replies
I have to plan and implement a learning acitivity which involves helping a pupil or group of pupils to understand and use shape, space or measures. This is for my course. I have been searching on google but cannot find anything much. I was planning it for 5-7 year olds. Any ideas or websites would be welcome. Thanks Angela
Bears Role Play
by Guest- 10 replies
Hello everyone, Our topic is bears. We have a home corner and usually have a second role play area. Any ideas? Not the 3 bears house please as we did it recently and found it a bit too similar to our home corner. Look forward to seeing what you think
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Ideas Needed
by Guest- 1 reply
I need to plan some activities based around the above Islamic festival for pre-school children - does anyone have any ideas ?
Song/game Suggestions
by Guest- 24 replies
Hi, I am after some suggestions for fun circle type songs/games to use with reception children such as duck, duck, goose. I heard one whilst on teaching practice where a child lies in the centre pretending to be asleep and another child has to creep up but can't remember anymore unfortunately, wish I'd written it down now! It would be great to hear any that your children particularly enjoy as I'd like to have a go at a few in the first week back.