Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi Does anyone have any brill ideas for displays for traditional tales, fairytales and nursery rhymes for 2/3's. Have seen the previous ideas for Jack and the Beanstalk - brill! Would appreciate any ideas. Thanks! Gem
Ve Day Party
by Guest- 1 reply
We're having a VE day party next week. We'll be having a street party - and need some games or activities to keep the children interested. This will be a whole school activity - although FS/KS1 will have their party together and KS2 on their own due to space problems (unless it rains and then we'll be in the hall ) So far we've thought of playing music from the war years - Glenn Miller, Vera Lynn and playing some simple party games - team games with passing the ball through the legs etc. But would be really grateful if anyone has any other ideas. Harricroft
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4177, -
by Guest- 6 replies
hi, does anyone know any stories about camping? ive racked my brains and cant think of any. we have a camping roleplay set up right now and as most of the children have never been camping i thought some stories might help them understand a bit of what its like. thanks
Remote Contolled Toys
by Guest- 8 replies
Hello, I need some advice on remote controlled toys. I wondered if anyone has found remote contolled toys that take rechargable batteries. We have several but all advise normal batteries which run out in the space of a mornings session. This becomes an expensive activity which they all love. I need to find a way of offering it on a regular basis and not only when we have enough cash for 'buckets of batteries'. We are looking to buy some more toys but want to buy carefully. Does anyone else have the same problem and if so how do they get around it . Thank you in advance Aslett
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1326, -
Malleable Ideas
by Guest- 13 replies
we are running out of malleable ideas. we know you can use foam but how does everyone make it? i know you have to be careful about allergies. Help!! Dawn
Grace Darling
by Guest- 0 replies
Our topic at the moment is travel and transport, and I would rally like one of our core stories to be about Grace Darling, and do activities from that. Has anyone got any ideas for fairly easy activities about Grace Darling/lifeboats etc?
- 27 replies
Had the most wonderful day in nursery today, we are now the proud parents of triplet butterflies. It has been four and a half weeks since our caterpillars arrived through the post, they grew and grew for two weeks and then climbed to the top of the pot and formed into cocoons, The children have watched and waited for a further two weeks until today great excitement. This has been the best £17.00 I have spent such good value for money and such a lot of learning going on not just in nursery but children from all the other year groups keep popping in to see if anything has happened. Two more to hatch hope they wait till tomorrow when we can watch again.
Ancient Egyptians
by Guest- 18 replies
We have decided that our topic next half term will be on the ancient egyptians. This is because a few children have expressed an interest and others have been interested in their interest, also I think it is an exciting topic with a lot of possibilities..... Need lots of ideas to fill 7 weeks though!! Any ideas will be much appreciated.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Mathematical Activities
by Guest- 11 replies
Hiya There I work in a nursery school as part of my college placement and I have a target group of children. The group used to include 14 children but has just been decreased to 9 because they have made fab progress . The children are aged 3 - 4 years. I work with them to help increase their number recognition and counting. I need some ideas for fun learning activities that will acheive my aim. I really don't want to resort to worksheets Any ideas will be greatly appreciated...
- 3 replies
Hi, I am planning on making a book with my class of reception children, I would like it to be some kind of retelling / or following style of a popular story but one that I can include the children in using photographs and text I've got the idea, but so far I'm getting stumped on thinking of a story to start from that I could adapt... once the ball is rolling, may also make story into a powerpoint presentation.... any ideas for books to start from........ Thank you in anticipation!!!!!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4145,