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898 topics in this forum
by Guest- 3 replies
Does anybody know the site where I could find footprints of the tiger? Our groups changed names from colours to jungle animals and we making our coat pegs in a jungle stile. We pouting footprints (laminated) for their welis. I have got tiger who is going to go with children home and have a diary what he did. Each group have their own animal. I must say that children are so exited about this change and is working well, but it still need more developing Any ideas? STEVE WHERE IS MY SPELL-CHECK?
Investigation Area?!
by Guest- 2 replies
My new task is to develop investigation area in one of the rooms. We thought about magnets, mirrors, things that turn but I will appreciate all your ideas. Also, is anybody got any activities about science? I think I so it before somewhere here, but I can't find it now?
Very Hungry Caterpillar- Ict
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi me again-- anone extra ideas for ICT links based on Shape,space and measure- an help much appreciated Joules
Our World
by Guest- 16 replies
Our topic after Easter is 'Our World'. Haven't called it this before (usually the Garden) BUT i FANCIED DOING A BIT of geography and maybe something about respecting the planet. I think we've picked these as our kuw objectives:KU 9 observe, find out about, and identify features in the place they live and the natural world; KU 10 find out about their environment, and talk about those features they like and dislike. Thought of having a barnaby bear/map of where he's been etc. Any ideas for structured play? Thanks Zim
by Guest- 9 replies
Next half term I will be looking at dinosaurs with my FS unit. I'm going to intergrate this with growing and spring time. I've got a few ideas but need lots more.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
- 12 replies
Hi , Iam taking over a new class in september and cant wait to pull down a display of birthday balloons which has been on a wall for so long!!!! Does anyone have any fab ideas - the class is 3-4 year olds I was thinking of doing a tree with the months on leaves but it doesnt seem quite exciting enough when starting afresh HELP!!!
Number Rhymes
by Guest- 5 replies
Anyone viewing Just tying to finish planning for next half term (-isn't it toooo long!) Any quick ideas folks for 10 in the bed to save me searching? Going to make number fold downs for M.D, and link to Friends of Jesus as not covering R.E. very well - bit brain dead with C.L.L, CR, P.D Quick replies would be appreciated as trying to get done soon. Thanks a lot Lynda
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4177, -
by Guest- 11 replies
Any ideas for a week about machines (linked to transport?) Not happy about doing topics for such a short time but it's beyond my control! ny suggestions much appreciated. Thanx
Traditional Tales Online
by Guest- 3 replies
Hello there hope everyone is enjoying their Easter break! It's so nice to feel like a normal person and go in to town on a 'school day'!!!!!! I am also trying to do planning tho' and was wondering if anyone has any good websites where the children can read or follow traditional tales/nursery rhymes online. so that i can link my classroom ICt usage in with my curriculum - bit of a buzz subject in school at the momnet! Thanks Sarah xox
Three Little Pigs
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi everyone, I'm doing three little pigs next week and I'm searching for some inspiration! The children are going to build the pigs cottage in the role play area at the beginning of the week and also make some houses during the creative session. Has anybody done any other exciting things for the three little pigs???
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732,