Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
by Guest- 8 replies
We are covering the topic of bears up until easter has anyone got any good ideas for adult led activities to cover physical development and personal and social development. We have used the book the bear hunt and took the children outside to act out the story which they really enjoyed. Also need ideas to set up interesting activities for the children to accsess independently. We will be making a bear cave with the children in the role play area but other ideas greatly appreciated.
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi everyone, It's my class assembly next week and we're doing a Toy Alphabet and showing our puppets we've made. Any ideas for a song about toys / puppets as I'm stuck!! Thanks.
- 2 replies
Don't think I have seen this anywhere, apologies if I have missed it! Does anyone have any bright ideas ( simple too!!) for making teepees?!! I am talking each child making one. I did succeed today using those miniature garden type sticks and paper that the children had drawn patterns on. There was too much adult input for my liking and sure there must be a simpler method somewhere! Any idea greatfully received! (oh if you hadn't guessed we are doing houses and homes!)
- 5 replies
Just wondered what everyone was doing for Red Nose Day this coming Friday. My own children have been asked to go in with "big hair" either wigs, wacky hairstyles, hair dyes, etc as well as a red nose of course! There will be a Comic Relief Talent contest that the children are all busy practising for. At my school everyone has been asked to wear something red (we went to town with dressing up this week for World Book Day). The children have been asked to make a donation for the Comic Relief Appeal on the basis that in poorer areas of Africa: 26p can feed a child for one day (less that a Mars bar) £10 would buy a medical kit for safe delivery of babies £150 woul…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Games For The Outside Area
by Guest- 17 replies
Does anyone have any ideas for circle games or any other games for the outide area? Whats the time MR wolf and old MacDonald are popular but it would be nice to introduce some new ones. Are there any other favourite winter time activities for the outside area that anyone could share especially in the snow? Lookforward to any replies
Mothers Day
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi everyone, as an NQT in reception i was wondering if any of you would mind sharing your ideas for mothers day cards!! Any suggestions appreciated-pleassse.
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi Has any one got any good ideas along the 'Space' theme? In terms of planets, stars etc? Looking particularly for baking ideas! Thanks
Doctors/hospital Roleplay
by Guest- 11 replies
hi, i work in a state nursery and we are just starting a topic on doctors and hospitals does anyone have any great ideas of things theyve tried and tested. were making a doctors come hospital roleplay with a baby area etc but its trying to think of other activities to do related to health etc any ideas would be very much appreciated ty
International Breakfast
by Guest- 17 replies
I am introducing breakfast from different country's to children( and staff ) next week.I have got planned English, German, French and Bosnian breakfast. I need one more but I can't think about any more that I know. Did anybody did this before? I am also making letters to parents with Menu on it. We planing to take some pictures, hopefully it will go O.K., and nobody will have pole tommy the next day!
- 7 replies
I've just recieved my copy of Action Kids 500 after lots of recommendations. It looks great, lots and lots of activities. I was just wondering how exactly people are using it. Our topic for next half term is Ourselves - there is a great section in the book suggesting which activites are appropriate - the thing is there are activities for all areas - gym, games, dance etc. to provide a balance - I was going to concentrate on Dance for the next half term. How do you use it? Do you provide a balance or concentrate on each area per half term? How many activities do you plan for, for each session? I'm sure it will get easier when we have used it for a while, but I'm not …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735,