Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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- Growing Topic Resource
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- Bonfire Night Songs
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898 topics in this forum
- 22 replies
Hi everyone! Our Early Years classrooms are being painted with a topic. The one of 2-3 years old is Winnie the Pooh, the one of 3-4 (Nursery) is The Jungle Book and mine (4-5 Reception) will be done this next Summer. I thought the theme of Community Helpers would be nice, since the are learning to be more helpful and responsible... but the only cartoon TV-program characters that I find are all male: Fireman Sam, Postman Pat and Bob the Builder. Does anyone know of a female cartoon character? I also thought of the Tweenies, but I am not sure. All ideas will be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
Exploration Tray
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi Im just trying to think of some good things to put in the 'exploration tray'. Does anybody have any ideas other than cornflour, shaving foam & spaghetti!!!? Thanks
by Guest- 2 replies
Can anybody help with this song: Down in the jungle Down in the jungle where nobody goes there's a great big elephant washing his cloths with a rub-a-dub here and rub-a-dub there that's the way he washes his clothes. What is next? I am sure it was more! Does anybody know?
- 7 replies
One of the areas in the classroom that the children like a lot is the Construction Area and, taking advantage of the topic of Community Helpers, I wanted to prepare the topic of Builders/Construction Workers or Carpenters.... but I hardly have found anything in the internet that is useful for developing the topic in the 6 areas of learning. Surely enough the children are crazy about Bob the Builder and I can use that for ICT, and the helmets and tools for the Role-Play and Construction areas. We don't have many appropriate materials. I am slowly trying to get resources. Any ideas?
Playdough And Sense Of Touch
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi! Want to make playdough next week and link to sense of touch-any ideas? I tried putting sequins in but they just took them all out (dread to think what they did with them-probably put in pockets the cheeky magpies! )
Songs For Reception!
by Guest- 16 replies
Hey everyone! Ive just become a fully paid member-whey hey!! I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas about where i could find a range of songs (action and non0action) for reception aged children as i am about to begin my NQT year in reception. I am aware of the usual-e,g 5 speckled Frogs etc but have heard so many along the way and have forgotton some of them. Does anyone know if i can access these online anywhere or a really good early years song book. Any comments much appreciated! Also does anyone know where i can buy 'sticky kids' tapes. I loved these when i was a nursery nurse and would like to use them. THANK U!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
- 10 replies
I have read so much about builders trays and now that i have saved money to buy some, i can't find any Can anyone help? Where can i buy these? What do they look like? How much do they cost? What do builders use them for? Many Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2186, -
Creation Assembly Any Ideas Please
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi everyone I have to do my first Reception class asssembly in many years. Any ideas would be welcome. It is to last about 15 minutes, there are 28 children involved. The class topic is Day and Night, we are going to look at fear of the dark, nocturnal animals, people who work night/day etc so we could actually change the theme to fit these if Creation is too difficult. Any ideas gratefully received. Thanks Robin
Baby Roleplay
by Guest- 4 replies
I am providing some baby roleplay this week becase lots of children in my class have recently had new baby brothers/sisters. Need some ideas to make it interesting though.
- 12 replies
We've got a child with us who is vegan. Do any of you know some simple recipies which dont contain egg? Mom can provide his milk. We wanted to do some cooking next week but the recipies I've got are no good now.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139,