Ideas for activities, themes and topics
Discuss all your creative ideas, or ask for inspiration!
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- Growing Topic Resource
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- 90
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- Weather Assembly
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- Bonfire Night Songs
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- Winter: Snow And Ice Topic
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898 topics in this forum
- 10 replies
We have a book called "This is Our Pre-school" that we show to new parents and children before they start with us. It has photos of children and staff at various activities, painting, gluing, looking at books, playing with the parachute, visitors to the Pre-school, having snack, etc. etc...... This shows them what sort of things we do at Pre-school but I would also like to introduce a little booklet for the child and parents to fill in telling us what they like and a bit about their family so that they can bring it in with them when they start or perhaps just before they start. I was thinking about including family members, pets, interests, fav toys etc. At the moment t…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2127, -
Sensory Assault Course
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi all, Im hoping to set up a sensory assault course and wondered if anybody has done this before and has some good ideas? Thanks in advance!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Science Week
by Guest helsha80- 16 replies
Next half term our school is doing a science based activity week. Does any one have some ideas for investigations that are easy to get visual results from and will give a 'WOW' factor. I have thought of ice cubes with animals in, how can we melt the ice to get them out. How can we prove that flowers drink water? Aweek is a long time. I thought of using a linking story a day, doing an 'experiment' and possibly some thing the children could make to remind them of their day. Helen
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
Growing Grass
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi everyone, Has anyone got any interesting ideas on growing grass as an activity. I have heard about growing grass in a pair of tights, not sure what that would entail. Any ideas gratefully received. Naomi
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2127, -
Cave Men
by Guest- 4 replies
While walking around a museum recently I was inspired to do a topic on the pre-historics. These are the planning ideas that I have already but I really want this to be a 2 week topic so if you can think of any other ideas I would be most grateful. -Make pre-historic tent in garden and cover with fake fur -Make paper spears -Mark making on slate tiles using chalk -Visit natural history museum -Make simple cave man type clothes -re-create cave drawings of people and animals like mamouths -Attempt to make fire using sticks and flint Any more ideas??????
Cultural Awareness Week
by Guest- 7 replies
Next weeks staff meeting will require us to sahre our ideas for a whole school cultural awareness week. Ours is a one form entry school and I teach reception (the youngest class- no nursery!). All too often I get overlooked in whole school activity plans. Any suggestions for activity ideas I can put forward that my class could be involved in?
Food Topic
by Guest- 6 replies
Don't know if anyone else is doing 'food' as a topic but I have just found this website which could be useful ''. It has lots of downloads including alphabet cards with pictures of foods, animals etc. Also recipe cards which can also be printed out in different stages. Trouble is I'm supposed to be finishing my planning but have spent the whole afternoon trawling, printing, and laminating (guess what I got for Christmas!) Hope someone finds this useful. Harricroft.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Lets Pretend - Topic For This Term
by Guest- 7 replies
Happy New Year everyone. Our topic in Reception this half term is 'Lets Pretend'. Has anyone got any innovative ideas? Thanks Naomi
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1208, -
- 2 replies
Hi, our topic this half term is 'Weather' and I want to do a Noah's Ark interactive display for our numeracy area. We are in Nuirsery. I ahve a few ideas, but anyone got any more. Any ideas would be appreciated!!
Maths Investigations
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi, Does anyone have any good ideas for maths investigations based on shape & space? I need some inspiration !!! P.S Sorry this also appears in another category by mistake!