Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
Hi all, Our children have shown great interest in doctors and ambulances recently and we want to follow this interest. They would like a doctors role play- any ideas? Also, any ideas about activities we could do relating to this topic? My mind has gone blank- i think because it's friday! Thanks :1b
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
- 9 replies
We are planning to do 'the gruffalo' as our topic after half term as the children have become interested in the story. My mind has gone blank so have any of you got any great activities we could do for this topic? We also can't think what to turn our role play area into to link with the topic. Thanks :1b
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 18 replies
Hi All I have lots of literature on Mud kitchens and the benefits for the children. Has anyone invested in a mud kitchen and can tell me how they have dealt with the challenge of the mess? I would really appreciate any of your experiences and advice about how to implement one? Thanks very much in anticipation Bonnie
- 0 replies
Hi Please could anyone give me any good activities, websites or books where I can get ideas about science/investigation activities please x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2821, -
- 16 replies
Hi just wondering if anyone has a favourite game they play with a group of say, 15-20 children as a filler for five minutes, we play things like what colour/pattern are you wearing, a shape game, a name game just looking for something new to play with the children on the mat before they go off to wash their hands, or during transition times.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Hi Our children are into 'magic' at the minute- using wands to cast spells etc. We have decided to set up a potions lab role play area but after that we have gone blank!! Any ideas on how to follow this interest? and has anyone set up a potions lab before? what did you put in it? Thanks :1b
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
- 10 replies
Have a Star Wars fan at the moment - as the radio programme says "I've never seen Star Wars" no idea about this at all, we have looked at a Star Wars annual together, made a couple of masks and a light sabre but really that's all any ideas anyone, getting desperate. This young man does not particularly enjoy mark making or craft particularly
Van gogh
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi all hope your enjoying the snow. In a couple of weeks we are doing arts week on Van Gogh. I teach reception and was just wondering if anyone had anyideas on what i could do with them. Thanksin advance x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2157, -
Mind has gone blank!
by Guest- 6 replies
Ok I know I've had plenty of time to think of new ideas for the next few weeks but the old brain box has switched off over the break :huh: ! I really need inspiration - something a bit different to get us all off to a super start to the New Year. Yes I know that there are some lovely topic ideas already posted on this site but just after something new/fresh to fire up the little grey cells. Any thoughts/suggestions very welcome. Please rescue me I need help :unsure:.
- 3 replies
Hi Our children are really interested in playing with the dolls at the moment and will spend most of the session pushing prams and changing the dolls clothes. We have decided to use this interest as our next topic and set up a baby care centre role play area. We thought about having a baby changing area, play area, weighing/measuring the babies, feeding area. Has anyone else does this role play and got any great ideas?? Also, has anyone got any activities ideas that we could use for this topic?? We have thought about getting children to bring in baby photos and making a lift the flap book and talk about differences. We also thought about talking about th…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128,