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898 topics in this forum
Easy Peasy
by Guest- 11 replies
This is very easy and enjoyable for young children All the words, just choose which child to be which letter and dress them up Peggy
Chrisrmas Circle Time
by Guest- 11 replies
I thought I'd share an idea for circle time that worked really well for me this week. Short of time and inspiration, I picked a sprig of holly from my garden before leaving for work. At circle time I suddenly had an idea and asked the children (2-4 yr olds) to see if they could pass the holly all round the circle so carefully that no-one got pricked. They were fascinated by this, tried really hard and it led naturally into a discussion of when we must be gentle and careful. I'll definitely repeat this next year. Does anyone else have similar ideas?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 16 replies
Next term we want to do some work on different authors - who are your favourites for Foundation Stage?
Jointed Santa!
by Guest- 5 replies
HI Everyone, i was wondering if anyone had a jointed santa template they could attach, or know anywhere i could get hold of one-i want to do these with my reception class as my mum still hangs mine up (which i made when i was in reception) Bless her!!
Malleable Table
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi Everyone, I have heard that you can make something that resembles 'slime' for the malleable table. Any ideas along with the recipe for it? Thanks a lot Naomi
Colour And Light In The Water Tray
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi, I need some help! Our topic is colour and light, and for the water, I have done the usual things such as putting coloured water in etc. We have got a cave in the nursery at the moment, and the children are fascinated by the mirrors etc, so I thought about putting some mirrors and shiny objects in the water tray for the children to explore with. Has anybody done this before, and how has it gone? Also, has anybody got any other really good ideas for enhancing provision in the water area in terms of the topic of colour and light? Thank you in advance!
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi Has anyone made simple kites that worked really well? Can you let me know how you made them. Thanks Naomi
P.e Time For Nursery!
by Guest- 11 replies
I work in a primary school as a nursery teacher and have 2 slots (pprox 1/2 hour) for P.E each week! The children love this time, but I am finding that I am doing the same old thing each week- any great ideas for PE time for 3-4 year olds!!! Thanks a lot
Help! I Cant Find It!
by Guest- 8 replies
Can you help me?? I saw a poem on the site about a snowman and how it melted on the pillow ....... but I cant find it now!! Anyone remember it Would be so pleased if anyone knows it Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2127, -
Numeracy Starters
by Guest- 3 replies
hi everyone i was after some interestimg activities relating to teaching money, any games, starters, independent/teacher led activities. also any general maths starters which involve the whole class. would appreciate the advice