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- 9 replies
We have a Fun Morning on the last day of term. Parents, relatives, etc invited to come. We have childrens races, fancy dress, various stalls - a very good fund raiser. The children run about 4 different races, just running, balancing bean bag on the head, and 'egg' and spoon race. I usually think up a fairly easy 'novelty' race, but after many years we have run out of new ideas. We could re do something but I am hanging on until something really wonderful hits us!! We have done collecting the shopping, planting flowers, building walls, collecting things for the beach, jumping into hoops, obstacle course, etc, ect. ANY IDEAS PLEASE??? Sue J
- 7 replies
I am hoping you lovely lot will have a wonderful idea for my end of term party. Last year I made a huge cake, it was in the shape of an open book and all the leavers names were iced 'in it' Looks as though I have started a trend and need to make one this year but dont want another book! Any suggestions for a cake shape that I can ice leavers names on would be VERY welcome
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
by Guest- 10 replies
This is not a topic, however at the time of writing it has become a main route of play. How much should guns be encouraged or discouraged. We find ourselves allowing children to make pretend guns (obviously not actively encouraging gun play) but we don't know whether we should intervene. At what point does it become necessary to show awareness of what is happening? To ignor it entirely seems to be promoting it, giving adverse messages to other children not engaged in such play.
Brain Dead!
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi Chaps Being end of term, we're having an off time table activity week. Fab!...except, rain is forecast and the one trip out to a local park that would have taken the afternoon and been geat fun for us all, may well not happen. So...... I need help to think of some fun simple activities for a group of 9/10 year olds operating at a year r/1 level. I am absolutely blank. Must be something to do with end of term stress!! Many thanks. I await eagerly and with bated breath. Kate
Free Flow
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi, I think this site is great. I am an Early years coordinator in charge of 2 pre school classes and 3 reception classes. We operate a free flow system for 1 hour each day. We are moving to a new school which is bigger and i would like some ideas on how we could use the central area. At the moment we have been using it as a construction area, but it gets very noisy and takes ages for the children to pick things up and put them back in the correct place. I want it to be an exciting area, any ideas would be great.
by Guest- 6 replies
I am a student and I have just realised that I was supposed to make a gsame to play with the children!!!!!! We heve had a bad year, with teachers leaving and coursework etc, Any ideas of a game sutible for children in the foundation stage(end of reception year!) which isn't going to cost a fourtune to buy the materials to make? i AM STUCK FOR IDEAS AND HAVE JUST SPENT AGES SCOURING THE CITY center for magnets, I was going to make fishing game, I want to do something ehich involes number recognition
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
by Guest- 14 replies
I would really appreciate your ideas for using music in preschool. We have a daily singing time and the children are taught a wide range of songs and more traditional nursery rhymes, but come unstuck when using musical instruments and introducing the children to recorded music. We do use percussion instruments to accompany our singing but not very often, but don't progress from there. none of the staff feel confident with this. What music do you listen to? Any suggestions?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
by Guest scole- 1 reply
we are wanting to do a theme based on snow white and the seven dwarfs, but i cant find a suitable book to read to two and a half to four yr olds, any ideas please!!!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Poem For Leavers
by Guest- 12 replies
Hi everyone, Does anyone have a nice poem that I could use as part of a leaving gift to our children who are going to school? I wanted to put it with a picture of the group of leavers and then laminate it. Any ideas?
Last reply by Steve, -
- 4 replies
We have just been given some funding to enrich our curriculum. This will entail visitors coming into school. KS 2 are suggesting historical re-enactments, drama groups etc. Has anyone had any good experiences of visitors for Foundation Stage? Magenta
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1208,