Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi Ya! Any of you clever clogs got any ideas for holidays that I m looking at next week! Its my last week of my final teaching practice so I will definately be observed and want to make the weekgo well! Thanks
Now What About Water?
by Guest- 7 replies
Ok so we've done sand ideas but what about ones for the water play? I'm looking for ideas where they can just get in there and get on with it without much adult input-other than making sure they don't drown!! We have the obvious stuff like funnels and jugs and various sized bottles, floating and sinking, coloured water, bubbles etc. Has anybody else got any ideas that are less than obvious! Linda
Circle Time
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi Ya! I am looking to build up a great range of circle time activities! Ive used passing a smile around the circle, introducing ourselves, telling a story but want some more- any offers greatly received- Ta!!!
Hygiene And Safety
by Guest- 3 replies
We are about to start our seaside topic and as I managed to collect seaweed, shells, pebbles etc from the beach I thought it would be good for the children to examine natural materials through magnifiers, water play and collage. I am a little concerned whether or not it will be OK to use the seaweed - I have washed it and dried it out. Has anyone else used natural seaweed? D
Conveyor Belt!
by Guest- 17 replies
I attending an early years confrence on Patterns of Play, and the guest speaker was showing video clips of children at play. One of the activities was a conveyor belt, made from a long roll of paper 'hooped' aroound a table. This activity was so simple and easy to do, I was amazed it had never occured to me to do it!! Well we did it this week and the children loved it They pulled and pushed the paper and watched as the objects fell into the basket, they then got pens and started to draw onto the paper, and showing delight when it disappeared and came rouond again! I don't know if the picture i am going to try and attach will work, fingers crossed!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Interview Teaching Ideas!
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi I have finally got an interview after first being viewed by the schools head, i now have to teach a reception class in their school on the topic of months of year and seasons and I have no idea where to start. Can anyone help me?
- 10 replies
Does anyone have any fresh Farthers day card ideas?? PLeeeeease
- 1 reply
Errr, I think Im having a senior moment. We are making windmills out of card next week at school, but I cannot for the life of me work out how to attach the windmill to the stick so that it stays in place and goes round. I have tried straws and split pins; drawing pins and lollipop sticks. Foolproof (and simple) ideas please.
Elmer Week
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi. I have put an Elmer week into our theme of colors, thinking there would be lots of inspirational ideas spring to mind. Now, it's come to doing the planning for this topic my brain isn't working. Has anyone got any ideas especially for original creative activies and physical play. Also does anyone know of any Elmer songs? Any excuse for a singalong! Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
School Action
by Guest- 10 replies
At risk of sounding really daft, how do people decide when to put children on school action? I teach in a school nursery class and all our work is differentiated quite closely. For children who find something tricky, say counting, I might take a group of them to have some extra practice playing counting games once a week, but I haven't put these children on school action and 'formalised' this. Partly, I don't want to leap to conclusions when children start nursery as they vary so much in how long it takes them to become confident in the environment and I don't want to unnecessarily frighten parents who I am trying to build a rapport with. In the rest of school the criteri…