Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
- 12 replies
Can anyone help? Please!!! In September, I have a group of children with speech and language difficulties coming into reception, I am currently in the process of planning for them. Can I pick everyone's brains in order to find out new, tried and tested (and successful) ideas plus the names and suppliers of any resources which my setting can purchase in order for me to meet their needs in a better way. Two of the children currently have speech therapy and one attends the local 'I-can' speech and language nursery. I am visiting the nursery myself after half-term for further ideas and support. Thanks, Steph
Water Tray
by Guest- 22 replies
I am fairly new to reception class and having great fun with lots of different activities, although I do seem to run out of ideas for sand and water play. Have read the sand topic messages - lots of inspiration for sand play - thanks, can't wait to try them out, especially the socks! Does anyone have any ideas for water play. I have used the usual equipment, measuring with different containers, fishing for various objects and blowing bubbles - which was great fun. Also could you let me know how often you change the activities in the water tray - at the moment I tend to see how popular an activity is and perhaps have the same activity for 2 or 3 days. Thank you. Diane
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3448, -
Animal Topic
by Guest- 7 replies
Our science co-ordinator is coming to do a lesson observation this week. Anyone got any good ideas for 'knowledge and understanding' activities. Our topic is animals and last week we visited a farm so we're doing lots of farm related activities. We watched a cow being milked - so all the children know we get milk from cows. I thought we could talk about how we get different foods from animals (possibly omitting the very large bacon sandwich that stayed asleep our whole visit!) I was wondering about making different flavoured milk shakes - possibly banana and strawberry using syrups or powder, and some using 'real' bananas and strawberries. The children could mash u…
- 15 replies
Hi everyone, We are planning to offer ideas on a variety of topics, carefully linked to the stepping stones and early learning goals, and the first topic is going to be "Materials". There will be a new topic every month or so, with activities presented in each aspect within each of the six areas of learning. With me so far? Well, I had intended to call the whole thing "topic starters", and invite members to add their own brilliant, highly original ideas afterwards I've thought more about this over the last few days, and think it would also be fun to ask for your favourite activities prior to putting it all on the site. Of course, your contributions will be acknowle…
Super Learning Day
by Guest Cath- 2 replies
Our school is having a 'Super Learning Day' in July. Its linked to the Brain Gym/University of the first age etc. Basically its having 'get up and go' activities to teach the children how we use our brains in different ways and how there isn't one best way of learning as we are all different kinds of learners. The whole school is starting the day with a healthy breakfast and having an assembly introducing the day. We are then working in our key stages so Foundation stage will have to think of all its own activities. So far a lot of the ideas we have had and suggestions for people to come in and do work shops have all been more Key Stage 1/2 based. It'd be great to h…
Student Calling For Help.
by Guest- 11 replies
Hello everyone. I hope that your all ok, this is my first post ever, i only found this site last week, and only just managed to get the time to post. Well i am doing a six week curriculm plan as part of the last module in my course- (then hopefully i will pass and qualify....whoohoo lol) The thing is, we are only allowed to concentrate on one area of development (yea i thought it was a little strange too concidering we are suppose to cater for all the areas) But anyway i have choosen to do physical development but my problem being, my placements theme for the next 6 weeks is minibeasts and my planning needs to fit in with theirs. I also have to create 3 de…
Letter Formation
by Guest- 9 replies
Does anybody have any exciting ideas for teaching letter formation please?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2157, -
by Guest- 10 replies
Dose anyone know how to make glup i think that is how you spell it.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Disney Activities For Year 2's
by Guest- 5 replies
I'm a student and am currently researching Walt Disney and Disney characters and was just wondering if anyone had any ideas on activities that would be suitable for Year 2 National Curriculum children also these ideas should be fit for a final display. Any ideas? Get back to me quickly if you can.... Cheers
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
by Guest- 13 replies
Top of my shopping list at the moment is playsilks. For anyone who uses them, what sizes are most popular? How many do you have to make them really useful? Do colour choices really matter to the children? And any recommendations of where to buy them? Has anyone been brave enough to dye their own? Enquiring mind wants to know!