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898 topics in this forum
Playdoh Recipes
by Guest- 4 replies
Hello to all Does anyone out there have a good 'tried and tested' playdoh recipe ? I made uncooked playdoh and it was horrible ! Far too sticky......despite adding what seemed like a ton of flour. Many Thanks Denise
Easter Cards
by Guest Beryl- 6 replies
Has anyone got any ideas for Easter cards? I have just been asked to come up with an idea for next week! (Panic, Panic!) Any ideas will be gratefully received! Thanks
The Sand Tray
by Guest Sezbina- 16 replies
Has anyone got any unusual ideas for working with sand? We have all the usual equipment but are lacking inspiration at the moment.
Train Songs
by Guest- 6 replies
Help! I am having a little case of writer's block! I need suggestions of well-known train songs or songs with a train-ish rhythm. What I'm actually trying to do is write a song called 'The Feelings Train' where children join the train when they reach a verse that matches how they feel. If that makes any sense to anyone! I'm just stuck for the actual song to base it on. Ideas anyone? I'm going thinking about it and even dreaming about train songs, but when I wake up, they've gone.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
Science Investigations
by Guest Sezbina- 13 replies
Our Science co-ordinator is coming into the Nursery next week to watch a Science investigation. Our learning objective is to observe changes in materials. Anybody got any good, tried and tested ideas?
- 4 replies
I am looking for simple ideas for a Mothers Day present that will appeal to boys who are not overly keen on crafts usually and easy enough for 2 1/2 year olds to do too! Any ideas anyone? Carol
Last reply by Helen, -
- 29 replies
I've been thinking a lot recently about the value of worksheets. When I started teaching, the market was absolutely flooded with photocopiable material, and we couldn't buy the stuff fast enough! Problems began to arise in school because all the teachers were staying late (ie later than their usual late!) in order to photocopy stacks of worksheets for the next week. The Head started to restrict the copier's use, and only gave out one ream of paper per term. Then, we all found other ways to teach the children, and there has been a huge shift in the reverse direction. I'm now at the point where I'm almost scared to use any at all, and Steve and I have now started to call th…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
Book Week
by Guest- 6 replies
As part of our book week next week it has been decided that children may come to school dressed as a character from a children's book. Staff are also expected to dress up too. As I don't have an extensive wardrobe of 'dressing up clothes' (or any to be honest), and time is rather limited, I'd welcome some simple, but effective ideas. I did think of Percy the Park Keeper, as our topic is Growing this half term, I thought that might be quite simple, but I can't find anyone who has a workman's type overall! Bob the builder also crossed my mind - but our Reception class hard hats are a little on the small size. I have a nursery nurse in with me, who is equally la…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
- 5 replies
I'm going to be doing a topic on the weather after Easter. (We get lots of it in Scotland - mostly bad ). If anyone has any ideas/suggestions of activities I would welcome them. Beau
Songs Wanted
by Guest- 8 replies
could anyone suggest a song related to any of these animals....snake, tiger, elephant, lion, monkey, crocodile I'm planning ahead for our end of year performance