Ideas for activities, themes and topics
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898 topics in this forum
cant you sleep little bear ideas
by Guest- 4 replies
hello evryone i was wondering if anyone had any ideas for the story of cant you sleep little bear with reception children. literacy focus activities are sorted- we are doing a letter to the bear to say we can help him when he is scared writing tags for bears e.g soft, furry beebot taking the little bear to the moon has anyone got any independent literacy/numeracy/cratiev activities based on this book. This week we looked at light and dark made a cave and explored with torces, made shadow puppets and experimented with light box. Any ideas would really be appreciated... as I feel im not challenging/stimulating my chn enough. thank you
- 4 replies
Hi all, Our children are showing a big interest in pirates and princessess and we want to follow this interest over the next few weeks. Have any of you got any brilliant ideas we could use. We are looking for activities, stories etc. Our children are aged 2-3yrs. Thank-You :1b
Last reply by AnonyMouse_9650, -
Books for Winter Topic
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi, Does anyone have any good recommendations of books relating to Winter? I already have Ridiculous, The Polar Bear and the Snow Bear but then am at a loss. Thank you in advance for any ideas.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782, -
by Guest- 12 replies
Are we allowed to cover Halloween as a topic?
by Guest- 2 replies
After reading the little red hen a lot of my children are showing a keen interest in windmills and have started making them from junk materials and construction. The problem is I'm stumped as to how to extend this interest in next weeks planning!! Any ideas would be gratefully received!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
by Guest- 12 replies
Hi everyone, has anyone got any interesting ideas for maths activities based on our Autumn theme. We have thought of the usual sorting and counting conkers, acorns, leaves etc and weighing natural resources but are looking for something a bit different, fun and very hands on especially for those children that are new to the setting and still finding it difficult to join in with adult led activities. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Whilst on the topic fresh ideas for the other 5 areas of learning would also be appreciated. Many thanks.
- 16 replies
I have lots of display boards in my room and need to get things on them fairly quickly! I want to put a colours display up in my making area corner. I was thinking of different coloured 'splodges' made by the children in different ways. So far I've come up with: - hand prints - tea bag splats - tyre track prints Has anyone got any other ideas? My current class know all their basic colours so I'll add a few more 'interesting' colour words and was thinking of photos of different colour things too.
- 7 replies
Hi all, We are looking for ideas linked to the topic of firemen and fire engines? Anyone got any great ideas? Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_35585, -
- 6 replies
Getting ready for the new term (and avoiding SEF - still!) and it got me thinking about the balance between a really truly valuable 'can't afford not to do it' experience/activity/story etc that is done every term/year...and becoming 'boring and repetitive and fearful of coming out of the comfort zone' SO; - what would give you minor withdrawal symptoms if you were not able to do 'it' this term? or a piece of equipment you would threaten 'touch my......feel my fork' (love that advert!) Mine would be the mud pit...and den making
- 7 replies
I know many are preparing for the new term and it is all about planning at the moment.. but having read this I had to share The Dramatic story of why we need a new volcano.. a bit of light relief always good..
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782,