Committee-run Provisions
Discuss the many moving parts of committee run provisions here
269 topics in this forum
Cover Staff
by Guest- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Hi I am a new Chair and feel like I could be using this forum a lot! Anyhow I need to find some new cover staff and I wondered how others went about it! ie do you have people on zero hours contracts or do you use agency staff etc Any information would be much appreciated. Thanks Kathryn
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
Non Parent Committee Members
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi everyone, I am wondering if anyone can answer a question for me. We are a small pre school who have massive problems recruiting a parent committee. Most of our children are only with us for a year as we are attached to a school nursery and as such are more interested in the school PTA. Does anyone know if we can make up a committee of non parents who may be willing to stay longer term? I have tried asking the PLA but they are very vague and not very helpful. Many thanks to you all Lisa
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi all Well did my presentation. Have now left them talking about it. Think if it does go ahead they want to see who else maybe interested in it, they want to ask the opinion of all the parents, and they wanted toknow how much i would be willing to pay for it!!!??? Said I didnt think i could discuss it then and there. They wanted to know what they as parents would get out of it considering it would mean an increase in fees, what the fees would be, would there be any changes in booking procedures, why i had suddenly decided to do this, how would i fit into it all, who would go about dissolving the charity, talking to the head etc as it couldnt be me. Good thing was that t…
Dissolution Question
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi So our constitution states The group maybe dissolved by a resolution passed by two thirds majority of those present and voting at a special general meeting convened for the purpose of which 21 days notice shall be given to the members. Now is this just committee members or all parents? I could end up getting registered, resigning from my job etc etc and dissolution can only take place just prior to transfer of what if it is parents and i dont get the majority i need at that time. I thought it was just committee hence this meeting tomorrow so i can least get an indication of the level of support. I wish they would make these constituti…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12805, -
Update About Club
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi all Well got my meeting with rest of committee next week about poss take over of club by myself to run as my own business. Im giving them info on: Have done yearly cash flow following advice from LEA advisor about TUPE, rent, wages etc and it will mean increase in fees as it will also have to provide me with a wage (less than the manager is on!). We are currently the lowest fees in the whole of county and I would have to do a large increase but it would take to same levels as other local clubs..will tell them this. Have included info about re-registering with OFSTED, approx timings. Included how we would have to go about dissolving charity Have inc…
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi all, My chair has asked me to sort out the forthcoming AGM, she's not sure what to do. In our PLA constitution it says we have to send out ballot papers 2 weeks before the date. my question is what information do i need to put on there The three exsisting officers wish to carry on for a further year and want to be re-elected not sure how i go about this do i just send out a letter stating that they wish to be re-elected and if anyone would like to stand or oppose to send it in writing to the secratary does anyone have a template for the ballot papers, we historically had a poor turn out to the AGM's if can people vote by paper rather than in person? s…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11396, -
How Do You Value The Assets?
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi all If it goes ahead and I take over school club how do we go about valuing assets that I have to pay for when I take over...if its alot then Im not sure I could do it!! Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Where Does The Money Go?
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi all Thinking ahead... ok..very far ahead! If school club committee dissolves then monies have to go to charity (approx £30k!). Could this be given to the PTA of the school to help fundraise for the new building at the school? The constitution says..."shall be given to or transferred to other such charitable instiution having objects similar to some or all of the objects of the group as the group may determine and if and in so far as effect to be given to this provision then to some other charitable purpose" Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
- 14 replies
Hi all need to prick your considerable brains again. I work at a committee led preschool and we are gearing up for our AGM . The current committee have all nominated themselves for their current roles HOWEVER the current chair has upset so many staff that they don't want her to continue. Is it possible for a manager to stand as chair under the PSLA constitution 2008? I have read it as yes you can as long as you are not paid for that role (chair) and have no vote in issues such as wages etc. Can anyone tell me if this is possible as there is a strong chance the manager will leave as her position has become unbearable.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
Do You Interfere With Staff Issues?
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi to my fellow committee members (thats all on the forum really!!) Just wondered if as a committee run setting....when staff start complaining to you about the manager do you step in? eg manager taken today off as she is tired. Left everything to deputy who asked to go 30 mins early yesterday (when numbers of children had droppped) but was told no. Deputy says she is lazy and doesnt help set up for the session. Deputy has said that she has deliberately left things that need doing in the hope the manager would do them but ended up doing them herself as otherwise they would never get done. ie daily risk assessments. I do know that when the deputy isnt there (…