Committee-run Provisions
Discuss the many moving parts of committee run provisions here
269 topics in this forum
Just to confirm, I cannot send the EY3 until all the DBS and EY2 are complete? Is this correct?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Hi Our committee are concerned about finances and are considering closing the pre-school end of financial year, maybe even earlier. There is a meeting planned for next week, any words of wisdom on questions to ask would be really appreciated. Many thanks.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_53420, -
- 26 replies
Hi, I have been manager of our Pre-school for 25 years this year. We have gone from a parish hall run playgroup to a very busy pre-school who 8 years ago were lucky enough to be invited to operate in a purpose built fabulous area onsite at our local main feeder school. We are very busy, however the cuts in our funding by our LA have really hit us hard and for a while this year I was unsure whether we would survive, but fingers crossed we may be okay. Since I started many moons ago, we have had a committee. Over the last 10 years we have had the same chairperson and 4 committee members who for 8 of those years have been amazing and supportive and everything we wo…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_71883, -
- 6 replies
Hi everyone I can see there has been lots of discussion around EY2/EY3 and informing ofsted of your committee members. I have been frantically searching to find out exactly what needs to be done as I'm unsure if our committee have followed correct procedures and I definitely do not want to receive RI. We have a lovely, full committee at the moment, which is great! I cannot for the life of me find out where to find which committee members are listed with Ofsted! I've checked the government gateway and there's nothing on there. Once our newer members have completed EY2 forms I want to send in the EY3 but cannot find out if our list is completely u…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120, -
- 0 replies
Hello. Does anyone have a job description for a Chief Executive Officer for an early years setting that we can use? I have one for the directors but not one specifically for a CEO. Thank you. Teresa
Last reply by AnonyMouse_51435, -
- 5 replies
A friend of mine had to close her setting in July and now has the chance to bid on a new setting fairly close to home. On the face of it, it's a great opportunity: TWO 4 bedroomed houses next door to each other, huge gardens. big rooms, plenty of storage, garage etc. But she has to say what she'd be prepared to pay in rent (They are MOD properties). I expect there'll be a lot of interest, BUT they want them to be operational in April, so that means someone who is ready to go pretty much immediately...........which she could as she has all her equipment in store. Does anyone on here run from MOD property and what kind of rent do you pay! Just to give her some sort of ball…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8282, -
- 14 replies
Please help! Our AGM was last week & new members have joined our committee. The chair has passed around the constitution for new members to sign, but mentioned that signing it would make them as an individual liable for the Preschool. None of the new members are willing to sign it, until they're assured that procedures are in place to protect them. We're with PLA & I've tried to read through everything & even tried contacting them to see if; 1- This is really true?? and 2- are covered in anyway by them, or do we need to look at a separate liability cover for the committee? Thank you xx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_55007, -
- 1 reply
Hi all. As the chair of our pre school I am really struggling, I informed Ofsted via telephones be of changes to manager and was assured that was all I had to do. On phoning this week they now say they don’t have this info. I have been on gateway but can’t find the details of pre school listed in terms of members and manager, can only complete forms via gateway. Please could someone inform me of current requirements for giving Ofsted evidence as I’m getting mixed messages and also can I find the details that are registered myself as I am on,y able to get it via phoning them at the moment and they have been telling different things. I hope all this …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5169, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
We are a small committee run pre-school, who like a lot of pre-schools just about have enough parents to form a committee each year. We have been very lucky as for the last fifteen years we have had the reception class teacher on the committee and in later years as chairperson, then when she stepped down one of the parents who is a deputy head took over. From October she is now stepping down as her child has left the pre-school. Luckily we have a great person who will take over, but she has zero knowledge of early years and no time to learn anything about it. My question is, with this in mind who would you get to complete the managers supervison and Appraisal? It is …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_55007, -
- 7 replies
Evening All We have our AGM next week and I am starting to worry. Everything is in order re reports/accounts however our strong committee of 10 is reducing to 3 (maybe 4). Also losing the treasurer with no one else staying on able to step into the role. We need a minimum of 5, so I'm really hoping parents show up. We have sent invites and are having a social/presentation before hand but if the Facebook event is anything to go by we may only have two parents show up. Anyone not been able to form a committee at an AGM before? What do you do if you can't?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_71883,