Committee-run Provisions
Discuss the many moving parts of committee run provisions here
269 topics in this forum
- 23 replies
Sorry, need to offload!! I've been chair for about 2 years now and in that time I have helped our setting build a garden, create a new outdoor space by purchasing barriers, move to having 3 full time staff, move to opening 5 days a week and an afternoon from only 4 mornings, update planning methods, write a business plan, create a cash flow and win a £2.5k grant from the LEA (that last bit was me and me alone!) plus much much more. Although my own children no longer go to the setting, I have agreed to stay on and help because I have a lot of respect for the leader who has helped me build up the setting in partnership and who is really committed to the preschool. …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_25331, -
Chair Working At Setting?
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi all Background is that I am lev 3 and work at pre-school but also on committee of school club. Some of you are aware that we have horrendous times recruiting qualified staff due to rural location at school club. I have covered the odd session (not regular) but have been paid for doing this. Told OFSTED, had crb, sent OFSTED 2 references and health dec (not that we ever heard form them about this and all fine. Now the dilemma. AGM is in March and current chair standing down. I have been approached by members of committee to see if i would be chair and i have no problem with that. However the problem does arise in that may be needed to do supply working at the setti…
Decreasing Hours
by Guest terrydoo73- 10 replies
Our Playgroup opened on Monday 24. I was offered employment as Leader back in September but had to get clearance so didn't get employment until 13 December. By 11 January our Registration was approved and we officially opened as I said on Monday 24. So this is our second week as such ... Bear in mind I wrote all 40 policies on my own, personally handed out leaflets to all the villagers as well as placing advertisements in the local press (about 5 in total) and establishing contact with the local primary school and toddler groups. I also had to buy sufficient resources, draw up possible planning sheets etc. I had literally 7 days to do this before Christmas and N…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11396, -
- 13 replies
Hi all, We currently use a system of spreadsheets and word documents to manage the income of our community pre-school. We have a maximum of about 60 children at any one time, who are either fee payers, EYES funded or a mixture of the two. I'm thinking it would be MUCH easier if we could load all this info into an online software package, have the facility for parents to pay their invoices online and have it generate reports. Do any of you use nursery management software? Thanks!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782, -
- 12 replies
As a registered charity do any of you claim gift aid? A parent asked me today if we claim it but we dont, she runs the local Rainbow group and gift aid gives her about £300 per year! I cant believe we havent thought of it before. Or do any of you know a reason why none of our accountants or payroll people wouldnt have mentioned it? I'm phoning HMRC tomorrow butwondered if thee was anything I should know
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12805, -
Ideas For 2nd Interviews
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi all and happy new year! We've been snowed under with applicants for our current vacancy, so much so that we have decided to shortlist and invite people back for a 2nd interview. Does anyone have any fab ideas about what we can ask them to do? We had thought planning an activity for a specific set of children and relating it to the EYFS (not actually setting it up, just planning) and then someone had suggested an observation, or reading a story. The issue is we would let to get them all in on the same day to compare them (maybe 30 mins for each candidate, not all at once), but we can't bombard the poor children with lots of story time!! Any ideas gratef…
Christmas Party
by Guest- 13 replies
I would be grateful for some advice. The topic of the children's Christmas Party came up at our last committee meeting and we were unable to come to a conclusion. Our Christmas party took place during a 'paid' morning session. This meant that children who did not usually attend on that day had to pay for an extra session so they could go to the party but the children who attended on that day would be at the party anyway. It was questioned that this was not fair on the children who had to pay extra to come to the party as this might exclude some children from coming (£10.50 for a party isn't cheap!). I am interested how other nurseries overcome this issue. Thanks
Interviews/conflict Of Interest
by Guest- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hi girls, I know you're good, but let's see if you can untangle this one for me!! We're currently advertising for a new assistant. We've had a reasonable amount of interest, and start interviewing today (me as chair and the preschool leader are the interviewers). There are two issues. Firstly, the committee secretary is planning to apply. Obviously I know her, our kids play together, she's volunteered in the setting. Secondly, a close friend of mine is also applying, again our kids play together, etc. Both are parents too with their own children attending the setting. There's no one else really on committee who could interview instead of me, due to others ha…
Parents !
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi, I am wondering how other staff manage to get their parents involved. We have no ened of trouble getting support, our committee levels are always low but I am talking about just parent support helping to fundraise etc. Do any settings manage to get parents to partake ??? Is it acceptable to ask them to give one hour per term or pay a small waiver, they could use this hour by helping with admin, preschool, gardening or fundraising. I know some voluntary sector pre-schools ask thier parents to help in a session but we do not. Any advise would be appreciated.
Do We Need To Advertise?
by Guest- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Hi all, Sadly we have just had a resignation from the great new staff member we only recently employed (she has been poached by someone!!). Anyway, having got over my frustration we now need to find someone else. We have a good bank staff member whose arm we might be able to twist to take the post, but I have a suspicion that there is some kind of law that says we also need to advertise externally. Can someone point me in the right direction on this? If we don't have to advertise/interview that would obviously save us time and money, but if the law says we must then we will do that. Thanks.