Committee-run Provisions
Discuss the many moving parts of committee run provisions here
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- 6 replies
Hi can anyone advise please. I am chair of pre school, our manager is leaving and new manager appointed. Can anyone inform me if the correct process to inform Ofsted, who else I notify and correct forms etc. thanks so much.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_23964, -
- 3 replies
Hi all I'm the current chair of our management committee and tbh the worst part about the role is I hate speaking aloud and have mild social anxiety. Being chair has helped me overcome this by leading meetings etc but these are always familiar faces people I knowetc We need to recruit new committee members as we are losing all but 3 of us so it's been suggested we do some sort of presentation. I'm sure the others will help but does anyone have any suggestions on what I can include that will encourage parents and not scare them away lol. I don't want it to be too long as my nerves would get the better of me. Any suggestions welcome.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782, -
- 0 replies
Hi all I'm the current chair of our management committee and tbh the worst part about the role is I hate speaking aloud and have mild social anxiety. Being chair has helped me overcome this by leading meetings etc but these are always familiar faces people I knowetc We need to recruit new committee members as we are losing all but 3 of us so it's been suggested we do some sort of presentation. I'm sure the others will help but does anyone have any suggestions on what I can include that will encourage parents and not scare them away lol. I don't want it to be too long as my nerves would get the better of me. Any suggestions welcome.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_71883, -
- 10 replies
Please help has anyone else had this problem we are a committee run Preschool,all committee have been EY2 and DBS checked but Ofsted have been in and asked how we check suitability of our committee whilst they are serving on the committee and what proof in writing do we have to show we check all committee members throughout the year they are part of committee. I have always checked my team every term and got them to sign to say they are still suitable but never checked the committee!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12805, -
- 74 replies
Ok I know that the issues of managers no longer being accepted as the nominated person has been discussed here at length, but can any one of you lovely people please let me know what happened when you filled in the dreaded Ofsted email excel thingy. Did you just chose a new Nominated individual from your existing committee members and bung that on the form, or did you have to go through the EY2 Process? Ofsted are now finally chasing me via the dreaded email (I had hoped they had forgotten all about me!) I would really appreciate any updates from anyone who is ahead of me in this process. Thanks you!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120, -
- 18 replies
We are a committee run provision struggling along and now need to look at an alternative....Cic looks like an option does anyone know anything about it......
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12805, -
- 4 replies
Hi, Does anyone know how long we have to keep information on committee member?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_54841, -
- 14 replies
Hello all, Looking for advice and i am fairly confident that I am not alone in this. WE are a committee run setting and over the years the interest from parents has diminished, we have a committee of 10 and yes this sounds good, but only a couple are proactive. We have a lot going on and a lot of decisions need to be made and most of them begin or end with finances, which we seem unable to grasp and keep consistency in this area. Our current treasurer is also stepping down in August and although we have advertised and asked parents about the role, there is no interest. However I did wonder if we can pay for an accountant or bookkeeper to carry out this role? …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_71883, -
- 2 replies
Hi all, we are a pack away setting in a local village hall, we are very restricted as to what activities we can have out due to storage etc, we can not put up display boards etc and we can only offer 21 hours per week due to the hall having other bookings. So the good news is we have been offered some land where we can put a prefab preschool (or something like this) and have a fenced area for outside play. The location is great of the land the only problem is money. I have asked our local authority about grant and funding and have been told there is none available. Has anybody else been in this situation who can offer advice? Greatly appreciated …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120, -
- 14 replies
Hi I was wondering if anyone could help me please? I have been going through all the preschools policies and documents, and I can not find anything relating to data protection. There is no fair processing notice or permission in storing information. Well, except for on registration etc. Could someone please tell me what their setting has in place, so I can rectify the situation we are in. We are a charity run preschool. Many thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_20948,