Committee-run Provisions
Discuss the many moving parts of committee run provisions here
269 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Has anyone been through renting a space of school field and building on the site under a lease - since the introduction in 2004 of disposal of school playing fields? The land we are using is not owned by the LA but a trust, us and school are like rabbits in headlights with the legalities as its not something you do everyday. As ever the gov policy of disposal uses all them English words that don't make sense!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_51737, -
EBulk dbs for committee members
by Guest- 5 replies
Can any one tell me the link for using ebulk ICF form to clear committee members
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120, -
- 22 replies
Evening I am the new chair of a committee run pre school. Limited by guarantee company and also registered charity. We have a management committee of volunteer parents all of which have their DBS/EY2 with Ofsted. Our committee members/trustees are also registered with the Charity Commission. I believe the management committee may also have to be registered as directors on companies house. Currently our three main officers are listed. Could you advise if this is the case that ALL individuals on our committee are listed as directors.....the problem being we may well lose half the committee if they have to be a director of a company. Many of the parents just …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_71883, -
Committee problems
by Guest- 6 replies
Currently having problems keeping a committee in place and not enough parents to form a new committee can we use grandparents or interested individuals......
Last reply by AnonyMouse_71883, -
- 44 replies
We are finding it increasingly difficult to recruit treasurers, it has now come to a point where for the last year I can honestly say I'm not sure (as a manager) how much money we have. The Chair of the committee is saying that perhaps we should be paying someone to do this role BUT I do know that money is very tight and really we can't afford to pay someone - it's a catch 22 situation. My question is, how much of the Treasurer role are you doing by being the manager of a committee run pre-school? Part of me thinks I should take it on (although how I do this I don't know time wise) but then the other part of me thinks that I shouldn't as I have enough to do and i…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Helen and I had a very useful meeting last week at Ofsted HQ. We met with Gill Jones Ofsted’s Deputy Director of Early Education. Joining us via a telephone link were Dee Gasson, Principal Officer, Early Education at Ofsted and Dorothy Worrall who is Senior Manager, Early Years Policy at Ofsted. We were invited to meet in person following our request for Ofsted input on the following threads: Ofsted confusion! and Chair/Manager Relationship and EY2. The threads had raised several issues for committee run settings and following our request for Ofsted input they were very keen to help. The issues we raised were as follows: Why was a change made that prevented a setting m…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12805, -
- 23 replies
Hi All, I have recently taken on the role of Committee Chair at a Committee run provision. The staff in the setting have been there for a number of years, and the supervisor has been in that role for what will be 20 years next year. I have worked in a number of roles through the years mainly working alongside the education sector. When I received the 'Committee Information Folder' it contained pretty much zero information that was useful and I have had to start from scratch getting a lot of it. Asking the Supervisor has been difficult and every time I ask I get a look of this isn't my job - but I don't know who else to ask. We have major issues with fi…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 28 replies
Hi I just wanted to make everyone aware about the EY2 forms that committee members need to submit along side their DBS to be part of the committee, My Preschool was OFSTED'ed just before Christmas and one of my trustees hadn't completed her EY2 this put us in immediate inadequate!! We were absolutely devastated but it is seen as a safeguarding issue so understandable, Please make sure you chase up yours and they are all in place as its such a simple thing with massive effects. we are going to be done again in 6 months and all this will be sorted but I would hate for anyone else to have to go through this.
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
- 36 replies
Why are Ofsted so blooming useless with information they hold? I, like all of you filled in those online forms months ago. With the new changes I understood that as manager I could no longer be a nominated person but could be named to share any information with Ofsted. I contacted them yesterday just to double check that they hold all the correct committee members and opening hours etc. No can't share that information with me as am not NI. So long story short they have our opening hours from 4 years ago, despite the fact they have been updated at least three times since! They then said that if I wanted to be NI then I could complete an EY2 and go on the committee. …
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
- 5 replies
Good morning, Could someone offer me any advice as to how our committee run preschool organisation goes about changing the nominated person? I am the manager of the pre-school and am authorised to have contact on Ofsted's records. Unfortunately, our nominated person needs to resign for personal reasons so it has been suggested that I am elected onto the committee and put forward as the new nominated person.On top of this we are currently in the process of moving to an alternative premises and are awaiting our registration visit which I am aware they will need to interview the nominated person. I have seen lots of threads about changing the nominated person an…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_42829,