Men In Childcare
25 topics in this forum
- 11 replies
There are so many publications and information of late in a crusade to employ more men in childcare. I too thought it a wonderful opportunity when our setting was fortunate enough to be approached by a guy who showed enthusiasm and willingness to join our group. However in reality this has not been the case. I have never known a guy who can hold a conversation about personal matters longer than any woman, looks but does not see and has had more time off in 8 weeks than I have in 8 years! However, I really want this to work - any ideas would be greatly received dottyp
- 93 replies
I have recently returned from the World Forum on Early Years, in Belfast, World Forum Foundation 2009 - Belfast where I met up with representatives from the international working group on Men in Childcare and committed to working with their activities at a global level and to try and redress the gender imbalance within our own UK childcare workforce. There are several aspects to the under-representation of males where I would be keen to see further activity - • Continued media activity to highlight the need for balanced gender representation within the childcare workforce. I am utterly convinced of the need for good male role models for our children, especially f…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
Dissertation Help
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi I am starting my dissertation for BA childhood studies and I am thinking of doing something to do with men in childcare. My title may be 'Do boys need male practitioners as role models in an early years setting'. I would like to know if anybody has ideas, views or experience on this subject please. I work in a sessional pre-school with Children mainly with English as an additional language from a muslim background.
Men In Child Care
by Guest- 2 followers
- 3 replies
Hi All, PLEASE CAN YOU HELP ME??? I am about to start my research project and is thinking about doing it on men in child care. Not sure what my question is going to be but would really like some ideas and your views. Many thanks Hurdley123
- 1 follower
- 20 replies
Hi all [size="2"]over the next few weeks i have to decide on my reserach proposal for my dissertation Being a male practitioner in the early years i'm really interested in finding out why there are so few men in the early years. I have chosen a few potential research propsals but i'm finding it hard to decide on which one would be more analytical...right the first one is 'how to encourage men into the early years?' or 'why are there so few male role models in the early years?' Any advice will be much appreciated If anyone knows of any good books,websites or other median that explores the concept of 'men in the early years' i will be really greatful. Tha…