Child Development
151 topics in this forum
- 4 replies
We have a child who's been start/stopping with his toilet training since the spring. He turned 3 in July, and still isn't using the toilet or potty at nursery. Mum says he uses them at home, but she also leaves him on the potty for up to 40 mins until he wees, we obviously wouldn't do that here!! We've tried all our usual methods - taking him every 15 minutes, going with other children, just him and the key person, had the tap running, made reward charts, been relaxed about 'accidents', given lots of praise and offered lots of drinks all day. He liked the sound of the toilet flushing, so we said he could flush it if he did a wee etc. None of these methods have wo…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_9089, -
- 13 replies
Hi I have a child at our setting who finds it difficult to retain information. His mum in particular is concerned as he cant remember colour names. He can colour match . He is just 4. Can anyone give any advice pleaese? Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 3 replies
Nursery World article... Funding to boost vitamin D intake in pre-school children seems there is a grant available to early years settings, amongst others to help promote this.. with all the the news about children and lack of vitamin D along with those who take it to the extreme of no sun protection.. maybe this would be a way to help as usual closing for the grant is 14th September.. so over the break for many! wasn't sure where to put it so plonked it here.. somewone will move it if wrong I am sure...
- 12 replies
Just wondering if anyone of you have had experience or experienced a child who is G & T - we currently have a child who will be starting school in September , there is no doubt of his gift of numbers, mathematics but his behaviour and social development is not as fully developed. Appparently this is quite expected of children who are gifted and mum is pursuing this further having got in touch with G & T association , this has come after , voicing some concerns and have bought Hv in and spoke to both school and senco's with mum permission.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39602, -
- 7 replies
Hi I have an adult student with us at the moment, she needs to source a chart that show developmental milestones at a glance. does anyone know where I could get one. Thanks in advance
Toilet Training
by Guest Spiral- 3 replies
Hi there, we have a little boy who regularly wets his pants (age nearly 4). He does this three times a day at least. We use stickers and charts, lots of praise etc. The staff are brilliant and are regularly encouraging him to go and changing him when he has an accident, but we have a problem with the parent's attitude. Dad and mum have both been in to complain that we should have a regular toilet time and should force their child to go. Dad even suggested we have a naughty step for the child like they do at home! I've had a chat with them both and explained that we do try to regularly encourage the child to go, but that he doesn't seem to be too awar…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
Circle Time
by Guest- 18 replies
Hi I just wanted some advice, we have had an early years advisor into our setting and while she was there she observed our circle time, we have 2 children who are very disruptive at circle time, won't sit, shout, cry, talk, kick the child in front etc. She said they were doing this because they were bored!!!!! We have already spilt the circle time inot two groups, we now have 12 in each and split the 2 children who find circle time hard to one in each group, we have tried doing action songs, singing, stories with puppets, musical instruments, but without success. As soon as the child wanders off, kicks etc the others follow........ we have tried congratulating the childr…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39602, -
- 10 replies
Hi all In repsonse to a questionnare that was sent out, one of our parents thinks our outdoor area is a health and safety risk. I assume they are referrring to the open ended resources that provide so much for their child's thinking skills, problem solving and creativity! Which are also stored in a safe area. I would like to reply to this and was wondering if anyone off the top of their heads can give me any quotes from theorists about how valuable this type of play is. I don't have access to all my books at the moment and that is making it more difficult to find the evidence than usual. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
- 7 replies
hi I am seeking advice. We have a child in our setting who will be 4 in November. He is dry but still continues to soil his pants. Two days into the new term and it has happened on both days so far. we have tried the usual, stickers, rewards, reminding him regualrly. i have just about run out of encouraging advice for his mum who understandibly is very worried. He has used the toilet at home, but there are still accidents. He says all the right things " I will poo on the toilet next time" He doesn't seem to be upset or worried about going to the loo, or after he has had an accident This afternoon I did suggest she talks to the he…
Appropriate Report Comments
by Guest- 1 reply
Hello.... I am near completion of my reports.......Yeah!!.....however i'm really struggling to write one little boy's teacher comment.. He is a very moody....serious boy....mum says he only wakes up at 10.30!....however when his imagination is sparked off and he is busy self initiating you do see a happy side to him....and he loves to win praise when he has done something right.... also he understands classroom rules but he is very cheeky to adults...he does not think before he says... he also finds it hard to listen for long periods of time and his mind seems to wander..... How do you word this? At present my coment does not seem to read right? Any suggestions…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79,