News from the EYFS world
346 topics in this forum
- 17 replies
Its very long so I haven't read it yet...
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 4 replies
To go with the other thread about the OFSTED annual report, this was also published today, about school readiness. The 'tone' of the two documents actually seem different to me. But it may answer some questions about what OFSTED9and others ) perceive school readiness to be. Happy further reading. Gosh my kindle is going to be busy this evening
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 14 replies
- 2k views Very glad we're not taking funded 2 year olds, I can see this and worse becoming a condition of funding
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
- 18 replies
Hot off the press, this was published today, along with the feedback from the consultation last autumn. Haven't read all of it yet, but as we thought, the EYFSP will become optional from 2016 and be replaced by a baseline assessment at the start of the reception year. Happy reading!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_26037, -
- 0 replies
via DfE on facebook... "The number of childminders has almost halved over the last 20 years. Plans unveiled today aim to cut the red tape burden from childminders who look after children in their homes and give them the support, training and advice they need to deliver a high-quality service for parents. Today we announce a freeze on the fees childminders pay to Ofsted for the fifth year in a row, keeping them at a low £35 per year. Childminder agencies are also being introduced to boost the number of people joining the profession - giving parents more choice and flexibility to meet their childcare needs. Read more and have your say in a consultation to explore how chi…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Newsflash from the Foundation Years Team; The government has today announced a package of extra childcare support for families, including increasing tax-free childcare, introducing a £50m early years pupil premium and covering 85% of childcare costs for 300,000 of the most disadvantaged families. For full details see the Foundation Years newsflash here
- 58 replies
Early years online self-evaluation form (SEF) and guidance for providers delivering the Early Years Foundation
Last reply by AnonyMouse_22106, -
- 3 replies
- 1.1k views After saying 'no' to our local CC regarding taking funded 2yr olds, I'm really glad I did now
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
- 3 replies
"Office hours and school days dont match and a guarantee of wrap around childcare would make an immeasurable difference for working families right across the country. Ofsted therefore should begin to recognise the extended day as part of their assessment of schools. " This is a quote from Nursery World on the new changes to Eyfs in April 2014. So are we, in schools , now to get lower judgements if we don't offer an extended day? I don't think that's fair. I am also not particularly in favour of two year olds in my nursery class in school. I don't think it is necessarily the right environment. So am I going to be at a disadvantage if I recommend to my head teacher tha…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5664, -
- 1 reply
Must admit to not reading document but it can be found using link below.. have fun 17 pages of it.. The consultation on ‘The regulation of childcare’ ran from 16 July to 30 September 2013, this document summarises the responses to the consultation and provides the government’s response. It explains the government’s decisions on the proposals to simplify the childcare registration system and strengthen the safeguarding and welfare requirements. It aims to expand the supply of flexible and affordable childcare provision to meets the needs of working parents, while promoting quality.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139,