News from the EYFS world
346 topics in this forum
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I was in London to hear from Ofsted's South East team regarding the proposed new Education Inspection Framework which opened for consultation yesterday. All the draft documents are available on the Ofsted website along with HMCI Amanda Spielman's speech: Draft Early Years Inspection Handbook Draft Education Inspection Handbook Education inspection framework: overview of research The consultation briefing was informative and considerably more open than I had expected. I will put my notes on this thread over the weekend - when I have had chance to write them up. In the meantime - this presentation gives a clear picture of what it is that Ofsted are…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
- 1 reply
Welcome to 2019 - as we look back over our (collective) shoulder at 2018 we can speculate about what is to come in 2019. Musing in the office, as you do on New Year's Eve, I thought of the following things we have to look forward to - some we look forward to with positivity, others are less welcome and cause concern and worry. It would be interesting to hear what you have on your early years horizons for the coming year - do share! In 2019 the FSF remains committed to our work in Westminster with the Childcare and Early Education APPG, we have held the first meeting of the inquiry into financial sustainability and are due a second early in the New Year. It was hearte…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_22029, -
- 5 replies
Ofsted have announced those that they have chosen to be on their early years pedagogy and practice forum. There is a wide range of knowledge and expertise amongst the forum members. It will be extremely interesting to hear how their discussions progress and to follow the outcomes of their meetings. We (FSF) applied to be on the panel, unfortunately we were not chosen to participate but are looking forward to being part of the webinars in the new year. Ofsted Early Years Pedagogy and Practice Forum members announced
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
- 2 replies
The Children’s Services Omnibus, Wave 4 Research Report, December 2018 has been published and has identified that some Local Authorities are struggling to implement the available funding for disadvantaged 2 year olds effectively. The report says "While the LAs that responded to the survey appeared to be taking multiple actions to promote funded early education entitlements for disadvantaged 2 year-olds, 44% of the responding LAs reported that they had experienced difficulties over the last year in implementing them.The most commonly reported difficulty local authorities faced was eligible parents not wanting or needing child care for their 2 year-old, with 34% of authorit…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
Amanda Spielman's report was published last week, aspects relating to early years begin on p31. The headlines from the section summary are as follows: "Inspection outcomes for providers on the Early Years Register (EYR) remain strong. More than nine out of 10 were good or outstanding at their most recent inspection. The total number of early years and childcare providers registered with us continues to decrease over time. This can be attributed to a large decrease in childminders and smaller decreases in the number of nurseries and pre-schools. However, the number of places in early years providers has remained relatively stable, at around 1.3 million. Nurseries and …
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
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Figures released by the DfE at the end of last week (29/11) highlighted the fall in new entrants to an early years teacher training course in the 2018/2019 academic year. Figures this year, at 365, are down from 550 last year. You can read the figures here (p13 pertains to early years). In their report 'It all starts here' Save the Children describe the fall as indicative of the EYT workforce crisis and they urge the Government to act before it is too late. This ongoing decrease in Early Years staff holding higher level qualifications was raised at the first session of the APPG inquiry, you can read what was said here.
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
- 1 reply
The Observer this weekend has reported a technical glitch at HMRC which has delayed some payments under tax-free childcare scheme. The article is an interesting read. Additionally, within the article there are some useful descriptions of the different kinds of help that are available to parents in terms of paying for childcare and education - there are also useful links for parents to use to give further information and to apply for the different schemes. They might be useful to put on your setting's Facebook page or website.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
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As reported last week the FSF will be at the Childcare and Early Education APPG inquiry later this week (Wednesday) in advance of that, this article from this weekend's Observer newspaper details the range of issues faced by the sector. Sector representatives, including providers, parents and membership organisations will raise their concerns with MPs.
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
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I am sure that you will have picked this up in the media over the weekend! There has been an underspend in the money allocated to finance the Governments tax-free childcare scheme. Given that the money was already allocated to childcare to pay for provision one might reasonably have assumed that any underspend might usefully be used to address some of the current education funding issues. Sadly not, the money is to be returned to the Treasury. You can read about it here
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
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In her speech Amanda Spielman will set out the changes proposed for Ofsted inspections from September 2019. There will be a consultation from January 2019. In summary her proposals are as follows: Amanda Spielman proposes 4 new inspection judgements schools will no longer receive a separate grade for outcomes for pupils focus will be on the substance of education and a broad curriculum more involvement for classroom teachers consultation on draft framework to be launched in January Specifically in relation to early years, the Pre-school Learning Alliance has raised some queries: Neil Leitch CEO said: “We have long called for a shif…
Last reply by FSFRebecca,