News from the EYFS world
346 topics in this forum
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The DfE has today released the research report "Evaluation of the first year of the national rollout of 30 hours free childcare" . There is an awful lot of data to digest! The summary is as follows (p28/29) • A high proportion of providers delivering the funded entitlement were willing and able to offer the extended hours, although the policy required some adjustments to provision for some providers and the financial impacts were mixed. • Almost all registered parents had obtained an extended hours place, with very few not taking up the extended hours because they could not use them in the way they wanted or because they could not find a provider offering the hours…
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
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Ofsted’s new inspections report website is going live on Tuesday 2 October, after which the existing reports site will no longer be available. The new site has been in BETA (testing) for a number of months alongside the old site. The new inspection reports site uses up-to-date technology and is compatible with non-desktop devices. The content is more streamlined and uses less jargon. The site is accessible to a range of people with varying digital needs. Users can search by category and then filter results. The upgraded search functionality makes it easier for users to find and use the information they need about providers and Ofsted’s inspection reports, ratings and publ…
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
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With the conference season well under way it is always interesting to see what the different parties are saying relation to early years and childcare. According to this piece on the BBC website the Labour party are looking to "offer 30 hours of "genuinely free" childcare to all parents of two, three and four-year-olds in England. Mr Corbyn will say Labour will also offer extra, means-tested subsidised hours on top of this allowance. These will be free for the poorest households and cost no more than £4 per hour for higher incomes, Labour says." Whilst this sounds like an effective measure to counter the current '30 hours situation' the NDNA warned recently (at a…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
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Nursery World has today published a extended opinion piece by Neil Leitch CEO of Pre-school Learning Alliance which responds to the Government's recent evaluation of the 30 hours scheme. It is available in the non-member area of the Nursery World site and is definitely well worth a read. Counting the cost of early years funding shortfalls
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
The Study of Early Education and Development (SEED), commissioned in 2012, includes a major longitudinal study designed to help the Department for Education (DfE) by providing evidence on the effectiveness of early years education and by identifying any short- and longer-term benefits from their investment.This current report, written by Edward Melhuish and Julian Gardiner, examines the ongoing effects of Early Childhood Education & Care (ECEC). There are a range of conclusions, nevertheless, in line with findings from the same sample at age three the advantages of a more stimulating and responsive Home Learning Environment and the beneficial effects of time in ECEC …
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
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Ofsted is setting up a forum for academics, practitioners and researchers to talk about a wide range of early years issues. How do young children learn to read? What is the best way for them to develop physical skills? And how can early education theory translate into practice in the nursery, the childminder’s home and the Reception year? These are the kinds of issues that will be discussed at the Ofsted Early Years Pedagogy and Practice Forum, which will meet for the first time this autumn. Ofsted is calling for academics, practitioners and researchers to express their interest in attending the forum, which is an opportunity to help shape Ofsted’s policy and p…
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
This was a really interesting piece to read - particularly when you click through to the links which discuss other influencers on outcomes - such as a child's attendance Staff qualifications in nurseries and pre-schools: do they make a difference to outcomes?
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
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Ofsted have today released the new EY3 form for childminders and other childcare providers to tell them about changes to childminding assistants, household members or certain people in organisations. You can download the form here
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
The Education secretary has pledged to halve the number of pupils starting school behind in early talking and reading skills by 2028. Damian Hinds says it is a "scandal" that some children still start school unable to speak in full sentences or read simple words. He explains that the gap "just widens" between those that can and those that cannot do these things. He will be working with a group of companies and charities to work out the best way to help children and families who are at risk of this disadvantage. You can read the BBC report here and the TES report here
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
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In their annual 'Education in England' report the Education Policy Institute (EPI) have highlighted that attainment for children at the end of their early years has stalled whereas previously it was increasing. This is the executive summary as it relates to the early years: To measure performance in the early years, we look at the total point score of children as measured by the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP). We use the total point score, as opposed to the proportion of children achieving the Government’s benchmark of “a Good Level of Development”. Measuring performance using a binary benchmark can lead practitioners to, consciously or otherwise, …
Last reply by FSFRebecca,