School Inspections
60 topics in this forum
Ofsted Coming Next Week
by Guest- 6 replies
We had the dreaded phone call today, Ofsted coming next Monday, just for the day with a focus on Assessment. Wondered if anyone had any words of wisdom about what they might ask me. We are a small school and I am the only Reception teacher. Obviously I have done all the Baseline Assessments and have started the children's Learning Diaries. Any help would be v gratefully received!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30147, -
New Ofsted Inquiry
by Guest lucyevans- 4 replies
let Ofsted know what you think of them... ! Lucy
Ofsted Have Made Me Sooooo Angry...
by Guest- 23 replies
Hello, Its been a while since I have been on here but ofsted have just been in and I am sooooo angry. The type of angry that you feel all shakey and tingly. I need to hear peoples views on this as I feel really unfairly judged. I work in a reception class and only started there in september. The inspector did nothing but moan about everything: * Where is your role play and creative area? (They are clearly signed and set out) Her answer was they are not developed, I had made no effort to change it from a house and had no evidence that I had ever changed it at this school, she wasnt interested in anything i was planning to do, or had done in the past at other schoo…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 4 replies
Hi, I've already completed a search on here but wondered if anyone could help me!! I recently took over as ey manager of a large primary school who have undergone huge transformation in the early years. We're finally getting to see the benefits of all our hard work this year but i'm starting to panic! One of the conditions of going through the changes was that we would have an ofsted style inspection before the summer hols - so coming up very soon. I keep hearing about schools being told that they should have a daily risk assessment for the classrooms. I was wondering if anyone has a format that i would be able to look at. |Anything you have would be much ap…
by Guest- 1 follower
- 12 replies
Hi, As many of you know I have been off sick since February half term and am meant to be having a phased return to school. However I was due to meet the Headteacher today to discuss how this will work. This morning got a phone call from my headteacher to say could we postpone the meeting as OFSTED have phoned and are coming in on Wednesday. Now I know that I should be feeling relieved that I won't be there during the inspection but I don't I just feel as if by being off I am letting the school down. The rational part of me says "It's the head's problem and if she had got the paper work sorted I would have been there and anyway why put myself through all the extra stress…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
Help Please- Tonight!
by Guest- 13 replies
Ofsted are in today and they looked at my eye-profile data. They picked up on a boy in my class who, in PD, made 2 points progress in Autumn term and 2 in spring term. The inspector said because he was 'only makeing 2 points progress' he was only making satisfactory progress. I thought that you can not state an average number of points per half term to show good/satisfactory progress as each point is 'weighted' differently and it is non-hierarchical. We have been told to raise any queries re our interviews with the head and I'm unsure if I'm right or if she is! HELP!
by Guest- 12 replies
Hi all, as a Reception teacher thinking that we will be due an Ofsted soonish, can anyone who has recently had this experience (large glass of wine, big pat on the back and a long holiday for you) could give advice on the kind of things they wanted to look at i.e policies or general bug bears etc? A big thanks to anyone who replies as I'm feeling on my own at the mo x
Leadership And Management
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi, Has anyone attended or know of anyone that has attended a good leadership and management course recently?
- 15 replies
We got the call today and they are in Tuesday and Wednesday next week. We have been expecting it for a while so it wasn't a great surprise. The inspector has sent through a rough timetable for the 2 days. At the end of the first day he is meeting with all core subject co-ordinators (we are a very small school so that is all of us) but then there is 'meeting with eyfs leader'. Is this normal? Has anyone else had this meeting and if so what sort of questions did they ask? It has sent me into a bit of a panic as no-one else has to have an individual meeting. Any help would be greatly recieved.
The New Sef
by Guest- 2 replies
Hello Has anyone had a go at completing the new SEF? I'm stuck! Any advice or help gratefully received. Thank you Bungalow
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12631,