Education Funding
359 topics in this forum
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- 8 replies
We are getting EYPP for two of our children. I am really unsure what to spend it on, as far as I can tell one of the children is only getting it because of the home financial situation. The child does not have any additional needs and is not delayed in his development in any way. The other child is under the area senco as she does have some social communication difficulties. We have been offered some phonics training which will really benefit my staff, do you think this is an appropriate use for some of the money (would only be £50) Please help, any ideas for how to spend it appropriately.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_16365, -
- 2 replies
Good news on the face of it
Last reply by AnonyMouse_55063, -
- 10 replies
For those of you in Leicestershire, based on today's provider update from county, the way they are proposing funding us is at the end of term we will be submitting the hours a child accessed the provision during the term, to include holidays. So my question is, how are we going to be sustainable this way? What if a child is off sick? Likewise, parents know they shouldn't but they do, occassionally take their children out for the day. We don't know til the day whether the children will show up or not, (unless they have gone on holiday) but staff are there waiting to greet them, the heating's on and the rent is paid. How will we afford it, if we don't get the funding w…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_55063, -
- 34 replies
Hey all, i want to hopefully get a good response from all many members regarding the 3/4 year old funding. I appreciate it is different rates per LA and that some benefit more than others it seems but i want to find out the following: 1) What LA area is your setting in? 2) What is your hourly rate per child this term? 3) Will you benefit from the new 30 hour scheme? If we get enough feedback from this post it should lead to a nice discussion on why it benefits some and not others. I understand if you don't want to share personal information but it would be very interesting to see the results. Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_55063, -
- 12 replies
Enjoy :1b :1b
Last reply by AnonyMouse_51737, -
- 26 replies
I may be wrong but our LA have just sent an email telling us that they are moving the headcount to the end of term so that 'we can input hours accessed - including holidays taken'. Do you think this means they are going to deduct funding if a family decides to take a break during the term?? Do other LAs do this? If so are you allowed to charge for the time they are on holiday? Up to now when we have been audited they just say You should tell parents they should not take time off for holidays, but hey they don't listen to us!! We often have parents say Oh they wont be in next week we're off.......,, What are you supposed to say to that? Oh no your not? I have…
- 21 replies
Anyone remember the previous visit by THAT Truss women - looks like Sammy boy thinks that Les Francais have all the answers too - watch this space for the new government case to reduce ratios to ensure that 30 hours can be delivered within their financial framework !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_55063, -
- 6 replies
Hi Birmingham, todays the day we have to do all our funding claims online. (Oh joy) My password and username take me to a 403 Error page with the message that I'm not authorised. Nobody is in the office until 10am, so now after 7 attempts, I've given up. How's everyone else doing?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_49577, -
- 11 replies
I run a lovely rural pre school with mostly 3 year olds at the moment. The committee have just decided that we need to start charging a top up for those parents using the EYEE grant to bring each child's fees to the same level (fees are £5.50 ph but we get £3.60 for funded so adding £1.90 top up). I obviously have some upset parents saying that they can't afford the top up. What to do????? Thanks in advance for help
Last reply by AnonyMouse_60748, -
One of my parents has applied - I have received and e mail today to say her little one will be receiving EYPP, - what happens next?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128,