Education Funding
359 topics in this forum
- 11 replies
The proposed nursery at our local primary already runb a nursery out of another primary. i've just seen the prospectus in which they say 'the grant is only available if you dont attend another setting' (not word perfect). Is this legal, I thought that so long as only 5 sessions were being claimed it was up to the parent where the child went i.e. 2 here, 3 there. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
Neg Meeting
by Guest- 2 replies
I received a letter from my local LEA to attend a meeting regarding the grant on the 23rd November. Anyone else heard anything on the grapevine in their authority?
- 8 replies
Can you advise? Playgroup may be closing a or two earlier than the local schools at Christmas. How do they stand on the grant if they arent open the same no. of days/weeks as the LEA settings?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
When A Child Leaves....
by Guest- 13 replies
Hi all I have had funding for a child who has now left our preschool, due to moving house. Her new preschool left a message last week wanting to know where we had claimed up to,, we have received payment up to when we finish for the summer. I have been told that you do not have to pass on any funding to new settings unless you wish to out of the kindness of your heart I feel mean saying no, but i still have to pay staff, rent etc. Just wondered what you all do. This is the first time i have come across this Jo
Last reply by AnonyMouse_534, -
- 5 replies
Just thought I'd let you know that the Kent "SAVE OUR NURSERIES" campaigners will be filmed live on Thursday by BBC Breakfast TV and will have a link with Beverly hughes to address the code of practice issues. This part of the programme will air live at 6.20, 7.30 and 8.40 ish - about the campaign with a link to Beverley Hughes in London. I have emailed the person being interviewed with the following questions for bevery hughes, but don't know if he will be able to ask them. My query to Beverly Hughes would be about clarification on the interpretation of the Childcare Bill with reference to registration with ofsted. Ofsted will hold two childcare registers: …
- 9 replies
I have just received confirmation from our early years team at the KCC that our funding will increase to 38 weeks from 1st April BUT if we do not open parallel to the maintained school terms we will only receive funding for 33 weeks. Therefore if we decide to close 2 days earlier we lose 5 weeks worth of funding! How unfair is that!!!! We are fortunate that we can open for 38 weeks but the principle of it really annoys me. I read the Dfes code of practice and feel there proposed recommendations should apply to all local authorities. The KCC haven't decided on the increase in session amount from September but whats the betting that we don't get the full 6.8% allocated f…
- 8 replies
I would be most appreciative if you can advise me on the issue of LEA withdrawing funding. it is a long story, but I will try and summarise it as best as i can. We had ofsted late last year and got inadequate, and were given 3 action plans to follow. we as a setting as been working hard towards this action plan we informed our local Early years about the result, but did not visit our nursery until l saw our advisory teacher at a training course, who was surprised that we had an inspection. She came round to visit us two months later, and had numerous visits from our support worker who said she was delighted about the changes, we then had a monitoring visit from her …
- 5 replies
Do providers open for extra days in lieu of bank holidays or when all staff have training.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 18 replies
I understand that eating lunch cannot be included in funded hours but does anyone know if this will change when the funding covers 3 hours. I open for 2 sessions a day split by the lunch club. I don't really want to be open after 3 o'clock!!!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Education Funding For 4 Year Olds
by Guest- 4 replies
I have 18 Children leaving to start school this September. Our Nursery is on a school site but not part of the school. We have 9 of the 18 children starting in September at this particular school. Parents who children will be starting this school have been informed that their child will not be attending every morning(like they did last year), but they will be only attending twice a week due to a high number of children starting in reception. After half term all children will be attending Reception full time. The parents have asked me if I still have some sessions available in September so that their child can come to us when not attending school. All childre…