Out of School Clubs
Including breakfast clubs, after school and holiday playschemes
186 topics in this forum
Providing Risk?
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi All, just wondering if anyone can come up with activities that provide risk for children. I had an advisor today who said things like letting children get in and out of boxes (which we do but didn't have out today), Building blocks taller than themselves especially with community blocks ( which i was told by the school i couldn't do due to health and safety0 or building bridges with planks etc such as what we were doing when she visited! I think she was referring to open ended resources but as today was so cold the children didn't really want to go out and most activities were very physical so they could keep on the move. Any ideas as i think we already do all this an…
Activities For Older Children
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi Some of my parent questionnaires are coming back that the older children especially the boys are bored at club. Can anyone tell me of useful websites for ideas, games, etc for me to give to staff to look at? Thanks
Outside Play
by Guest- 4 replies
I am part of a small out of school provision on school premises who employ four staff. Our operating costs are really high and I need to bring them down. Currently what we do is when the children come to us is that we have two staff outside and two staff inside so giving the children a choice of being outside or in. However, I really only need on some days two members of staff and on others three, but currently because of how we work I am having four members of staff on duty and it isn't cost effective. Another club I know takes all the children outside for about 45 mins and then they come in and play with the indoor activities. I know it means that children don'…
by Guest- 10 replies
Well had the meeting with Board of Governors about them taking on school club...a few issues to iron out but fingers crossed will be ok. Chair of Governors said that if they take it on as sub-committee of Governors with Exec Manager would any of the current parent committee help out on it...my honest answer...no...they are all fed up with it! He then asked me if I would help out....mug written all over my face????? Said yes i would think about it! (much to husbands disgust!) Then started talking about advertsiing for Exec Manager. Did they think we would get a suitable strong candidate?? One of the governors who sits on our committee said she could think of 2 that…
What Should I Do?
by Guest thinlizzie- 2 replies
I am really worried about this as I haven't been in this setting long but have been asked to attend a meeting tomorrow to discuss planning for the 2 terms! Surely, we don't plan activities that far ahead? (We didn't in my last pre school) How can you follow the child's interest if they haven't even started yet and you already have your theme/topic? As I am new to the team I am worried about suggesting another way or being accused of not contributing ---- should I speak up or just keep mum? Suggestions please!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11396, -
by Guest- 1 reply
hi i am looking for any advice anyone can give. I am lloking at how i would go about opening and running a kids club in spain. It would be like a holiday and after school club. doing arts and craffts,sports etc. What im after is ratios,qualifications etc. thank you catherine
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
School Club Update
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi all Sorry been away a while...finally paid for my yearly subscription to come back! Update from me re school club..... Put my proposal to committee...got them thinking...then they asked me to have a word with head teacher ie parents no longer can do this, too much time/responsibillity, lucky we have 2 child care qualified on committee but what about next committee not fair on staff etc etc Head said that Board of Gov would not let private company take over club (how they would stop it if we dissolved it I dont know!!) but he seemed to think that our idea of school take it on with an exec manager running things for them. Exec manager would be doing all the …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11396, -
- 0 replies
I've taken on managing our out of school provision and today am not officially working but have come in to do other stuff (read that as keep an eye on proceedings ) Oh my! Whose idea was it to have gloop? Ah yes, that would be me!!! It is EVERYWHERE! As well as junk modelling, wool from pom pom spiders, scraps of paper cut from origami bats and small world galore!! I am itching to go in and insist the children tidy up after themselves but have decided to let the girls carry on as after all they will be the ones tidying once the children have gone Evil? Moi? Seriously though, they'll learn from it that way won't they rather than feel I'm nagging
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8457, -
- 4 replies
Ok guys I'm running holiday club and I need some games suitable for children aged between 3-11 (could be anywhere between 4 and 20 involved) that have a Hallowe'en theme and don't involve much prep or cost... So far I have: Pass the pumpkin - hollow out pumpkin (or use one of those pumpkin shaped buckets) and fill with cooked spaghetti (or shredded paper) and treats! Mummy race. Teams race to wrap one member in toilet paper. First one to finish the roll wins! Pin the ... on the ... (nose/witch fangs/vampire etc) Hallowe'en Bingo Sleeping Vampires ANy more ideas pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?
Cpd Training
by Guest- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi guys - any ideas how i book my staff on training such as safeguarding,first aid etc. Any advice will be greatly appreciated
Last reply by SueFinanceManager,